Police must be ’servants not masters‘ says head of watchdog

New Met chief could lose support of rank and file if he begins a ‚witch hunt‘

By Kunal Dutta

[independent.co.uk] Police officers must remember
they are "the servants and not the masters" of the people, the head of
the police watchdog said yesterday as he condemned the practice of
concealing shoulder numbers as "unacceptable".

Nick Hardwick,
the chairman of the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC),
said he would appear before the Home Affairs Select Committee as the
fallout surrounding allegations into the use of police force at the G20
protests grew more acrimonious.

Mr Hardwick said he had "serious
concerns" about front-line supervision of officers at this month’s
demonstrations. The IPCC launched a third investigation yesterday into
police tactics after a 23-year-old London man claimed he was assaulted
by a Metropolitan Police officer. "Why was that happening? Why did the
supervisor not stop them? What does that say about what your state of
mind is?" he asked. "You were expecting trouble?"

Source: http://www.independent.co.uk