The INDECT Consortium: “Preliminary report on police and prosecutor repositories and access procedures”

This Deliverable presents the first 18 months of research within the INDECT Work-Package 5. Research in this period of time was devoted mainly to police and prosecutor repositories and access procedures. The work got structured into several sub-topics.

[] The first sub-topic relates to search engines based on recommender systems, profiling and data-mining. Such search systems allow for effective searching within various police information systems. The examples could also include crime information centres, analytical modules, Schengen Information System, SISone4ALL, etc.

The second sub-topic relates to search engine based on Internet crawling. Such search system allows for effective searching by automated crawling of a given place in the Internet and extracting images (optionally — other types of multimedia objects) from the web pages.

The third sub-topic relates to multimedia search engine working in local databases and repositories. Such search system allows for creation of a multimedia repository of digital images (in future — other media types) which are Police evidence. This database can be used during the search of the suspects file system. The fourth sub-topic relates to intelligent search for court records. (pdf at