Final Report „Harmony“: EU Policy Cycle 2011 – 2017

During the last years quite a few initiatives have been taken in the fi eld of JHA cooperation, but their implementation has not been developed enough. This chapter explains the core ideas behind project Harmony.

Over the last decade, a lot of initiatives have been undertaken at the European level to improve the fi ght against organised crime. Although most of these initiatives contribute to the implementation of the ECIM, there is a lack of commitment and coherence among Member States which affects the effectiveness and the effi ciency of the fi ght against
organised crime.
The Belgian Presidency wants, in close cooperation with Europol (as a key player) and the UK and the Netherlands (because of their experience in intelligence-led policing), to streamline and integrate the already existing EU instruments into a more coherent and effective approach, resulting in a genuine European policy cycle. (download pdf from euro-police)