Olympic police could use cruise ship accommodation
Hundreds of police officers drafted in to protect the 2012 Olympic Games could be stationed on a cruise ship at Portland Harbour. [lynnnews.co.uk] Organisers are discussing plans to spend up to £6.6 million mooring a private boat at Portland Harbour for the sporting extravaganza.The 432-room vessel could be filled by around 800 officers working to […]
How facial-recognition software could track down G20 suspects
Lesley Ciarula Taylor The facial-recognition software Toronto police will use to track down suspects in its G20 summit investigation is an off-the-shelf tool that can sort through multiple databases very quickly. [thestar.com] The Canadian Bankers Association bought and installed the software because “the banks and the CBA have investigative functions, too. We investigate crimes against […]
INTERPOL – At the centre of security for the 2010 FIFA World Cup
[interpol.int] As one phone crashes down in the Uruguay police booth at South Africa’s International Police Co-ordination Centre (IPCC) in Pretoria, another is snatched up in the nearby INTERPOL booth where staff launch into animated dialogue with colleagues at the INTERPOL Regional Bureau in Harare about two illegal immigration suspects who have just been detained […]
Mounties shun ‘sound cannons’ in urban settings ahead of G20
As the Toronto Police showcase new summit gear, the RCMP reveals that it does not support the use of acoustic guns to control crowds Colin Freeze [theglobeandmail.com] As Toronto Police prepare to show off their new “sound cannons” at a Thursday news conference displaying gear for the G20 summit, the Mounties say they do not […]
Sicherheit von politischen Großereignissen wird inflationär teuer
Matthias Monroy Die Ausgaben für die Sicherheit des Doppel-Gipfels von G8 und G20 im kanadischen Bundesstaat Ontario werden auf fast eine Milliarde kanadische Dollars erhöht [heise.de] Glaubt man der Regierung, soll der diesjährige G8-Gipfel unter kanadischer Präsidentschaft, der vom 25. bis 27. Juni im Golf-Ressort Huntsville und in Toronto stattfinden soll, auch die Werte Menschenrechte, […]
G8/G20 security bill to hit $833 million
CTV News has learned that Ottawa expects to spend $833 million on security for next month’s G8 and G20 summits. [montreal.ctv.ca] In March, the federal government had allocated $179 million for its security budget. But under new estimates that will be introduced in the House of Commons later Tuesday, these costs should increase by $654 […]
DLR Karten für den G8 Gipfel in Heiligendamm vom 6. bis 8. Juni, 2007
[zki.dlr.de] Vom 6. bis 8. Juni kamen die Staats- und Regierungschefs der G8-Staaten in Heiligendamm zu ihrem jährlichen Gipfeltreffen zusammen. Der Bereich um Heiligendamm war aus Sicherheitsgründen weiträumig abgesperrt und durch einen Sicherheitszaun abgegrenzt. Zahlreiche staatliche und nichtstaatliche Organisationen waren mit der logistischen Organisation und Sicherung sowohl der offiziellen Gipfelveranstaltung als auch der Protestaktionen betraut. […]
How riot police learn to face an angry mob
Raymond Brown Riot police faced a howling mob hurling abuse and missiles as well as running “street battles” at a training centre near Huntingdon. [cambridge-news.co.uk] Cambridgeshire officers tackled the “angry crowds” in a bid to learn lessons after the death of a man during the G20 protests last year. Several scenarios were played out by […]
Tausende Augen für kanadische Polizei
Matthias Monroy Laboratorium zur Entwicklung und Erprobung polizeilicher und militärischer "crowd control": der Doppel-Gipfel von G8 und G20 ruft Polizei, Militär und private Sicherheitsdienste auf den Plan Gipfelproteste und internationale Sportereignisse sind Laboratorien zur Entwicklung und Erprobung polizeilicher und militärischer "crowd control". Nach den olympischen Spielen wollen sich im Juni die G8 und G20 in […]
Police monitoring social media in anticipation of G20 protests
While arrests are made at the G8 meeting protests in Halifax, Toronto police say this city should brace for major demonstrations and disruptions during the G20 in the downtown core this summer. [cp24.com] Police say they’re tapping social media for tips on major protests to prepare for the meeting of major world leaders in June. […]
Repressionsbeihilfe für dänische Polizei: Verfassungsschutz half mit
Deutsche Behörden haben auch beim Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen im vergangenen Dezember umfangreiche Repressionsbeihilfe geleistet. Zahlreiche Details gehen bereits aus einem Bericht hervor, der auf meine Anforderung hin für den Innenausschuss des Bundestages erstellt worden ist. Der Bericht ist unter anderem hier dokumentiert: http://www.gipfelsoli.org/Home/Copenhagen_2009 Aus einer Kleinen Anfrage ergeben sich jetzt noch einige zusätzliche Informationen. So […]
Wie das BKA Daten tauscht und einmal einen Eintrag gelöscht hat
Ende Mai 2007 stellte ein Aktivist mit Wohnsitz in Berlin mehrere Auskunftsersuchen bei einigen deutschen LKAs, Verfassungsschutzbehörden sowie dem BKA. Vom BKA erhielt der Betroffene nach fast einem Jahr die Information, dass zwar Daten über ihn gespeichert seien, diese allerdings wegen „Quellenschutz“ (sprich: Informantenschutz) nicht offengelegt würden. Zwar hätte er das Recht, über ihn gespeicherte […]
Police practice for G20 summit by simulating hostage taking
Protecting visitors to the downtown summit will involve collaboration between public and private security [theglobeandmail.com] Weekend workaholics attempting to reach their downtown office towers Sunday got the first hint of the disruption that will be caused by this summer’s G20 summit in Toronto, as tactical officers took over part of the underground PATH system for […]
More security at any price
Christine Wicht The Stockholm Programme of the European Union [eurozine.com] The Stockholm Programme, the latest in a series of EU agreements on security policy, was endorsed in December 2009. Based on the „principle of availability“, the Programme plans to enable the cross-border collection, processing and sharing of data on a massive scale. Supposedly promoting „openness […]
Future police: Meet the UK’s armed robot drones
By David Hambling Police forces all over the UK will soon be able to draw on unmanned aircraft from a national fleet, according to Home Office plans. Last month it was revealed that modified military aircraft drones will carry out surveillance on everyone from protesters and antisocial motorists to fly-tippers, and will be in place in […]
UK’s secret national flying camera strategy
If there was any doubt left, it seems the British government has finally given up all pretense of trying to balance civil liberties and security. A plan has been revealed by The Guardian newspaper for a national strategy for surveillance by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). And we are not just talking the micro-helicopter UAVs used […]
Educational counter-terrorism “game” to teach kids about EU security and defence policy
[neoconopticon.wordpress.com] On 22 December 2009 Stichting DubbelX-Alternative View in Amsterdam launched a new internet game about the EU’s Security and Defence Policy. It was developed with the support of the ‘Europe Fund’ of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It’s objective is “to reach people who don’t read books or articles about the subject but who may be tempted […]
Olympic surveillance cameras causing concern
Security personnel are installing hundreds of closed circuit surveillance cameras around downtown Vancouver in preparation for the Olympics, but questions remains about whether or not many of the cameras will be removed after the Games. [cbc.ca] By the time the installations are completed over the next 10 days, an estimated 900 RCMP cameras will be […]
Grenzenlose Polizei
[de.indymedia.org] Am gestrigen Abend fand im Kreuzberger Kato die erste Veranstaltung der Inforeihe „Full Spectrum Resistance“ zu dem Thema war "Grenzenlose Polizei" statt. Mit 80 Teilnehmer_innen gut besucht ist sie als gelungener Auftakt der diesjährigen Proteste gegen den 13. Europäischen Polizeikongress zu sehen. Als Referent war der erfahrene EU-Kritiker und Autor der Zeitung „Cilip“ Heiner […]
Smart CCTV learns to spot suspicious types
WHAT’S the difference between a suicide bomber and a cleaner? It sounds like the opening line of a sick joke, but for computer scientists working on intelligent video-surveillance software, being able to make that distinction is a key goal. [newscientist.com] Current CCTV systems can collect masses of data, but little of it is used, says […]