S. Korea to deploy largest force ever for G-20

South Korea will mobilize its largest security force ever in anticipation of widespread protests during the G-20 summit next month in Seoul, the Yonhap news agency said.

Authorities said a total of 50,000 police and riot police will be deployed during the summit on November 11 and 12, according to Yonhap.

Preparing for the country’s largest event yet, authorities have banned demonstrations from November 8-12 within 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) of the summit site.

A number of South Korean union and civic groups are gearing up for large protests against the G-20, while other groups are planning unrelated rallies in hopes of drawing international media attention. (more on edition.cnn.com)

Beyond the Frontiers

Frontex: The First Five Years

Beyond the Frontiers highlights some of the more outstanding milestones and achievements of Frontex during its first five years. It is not an annual report, a study or a press release. Nor is it a comprehensive list of activities or events, or the people involved in them. It cannot be.
Instead, Beyond the Frontiers is a brief backward glance at a journey which began in 2005 when fewer than fifty people from across the European Union came together with one aim: to establish the organisation which would coordinate the challenges faced by an enlarged EU with an important common interest: a shared external border. (pdf at frontex.eu)

Polizeischikanen gegen Antirassisten in Belgien

Eine Woche nach Ende des Brüsseler »No Border«-Camps sitzen noch immer vier Aktivisten in Untersuchungshaft

Von Matthias Monroy

Die Rechtfertigung für das polizeiliche Vorgehen war eine unterstellte Schuld durch Zugehörigkeit«, schließt Marianne Maeckelbergh ihren Bericht über 14 Stunden in belgischem Polizeigewahrsam. Die Anthropologin und Autorin war am 1. Oktober zusammen mit fünf anderen Betroffenen am Rande einer unangemeldeten Demonstration festgenommen worden. Die Polizei hatte den Aufzug untersagt und angekündigt, jede Versammlung über fünf Personen aufzulösen. Dutzende wurden verhaftet. Kurz darauf waren in der Nähe Scheiben eines Polizeireviers zu Bruch gegangen. Maeckelbergh hatte mehrere brutale Polizeiübergriffe fotografiert, bis sie selbst ohne Vorwarnung vom Leiter des angegriffenen Reviers festgenommen wurde. »Ich wurde geschlagen, bespuckt, wiederholt als ›dreckige Hure‹ beschimpft und bis vier Uhr morgens an einen Heizkörper gekettet«, so die US-Aktivistin. Ein Mann aus Italien mußte nach ihren Angaben einen »ungezügelten Wutanfall, wie ich ihn nie zuvor gesehen hatte« ertragen. Die stundenlangen Mißhandlungen seien vom Leiter des Reviers durch die offene Bürotür beobachtet worden. Continue reading „Polizeischikanen gegen Antirassisten in Belgien“

Justizielle Dimension der Terrorismusbekämpfung – Empfehlungen für Maßnahmen

VERMERK des EU-Koordinators für die Terrorismusbekämpfung für den Rat

Das Phänomen des Terrorismus weist heutzutage derart erhebliche Besonderheiten auf, dass es von der Justiz oft nur mit relativ ausgefeilten Ermittlungstechniken zu erfassen ist, wie z.B. Einsatz von verdeckten Ermittlern oder Informanten, Überwachung des Telekommunikationsverkehrs, Ermittlungen betreffend Computersysteme, Verwendung von Sendern und sonstigen Aufzeichnungsgeräten an oder in Fahrzeugen, die im Hoheitsgebiet mehrerer Mitgliedstaaten zirkulieren, oder auch Analysen von Finanztransaktionen.
Diese Ermittlungstechniken erfordern besondere Kompetenzen und Qualifikationen, die nicht immer und überall verfügbar sind. (pdf auf register.consilium.europa.eu)

Mit Hochdruck gegen Ungehorsam

Matthias Monroy

78 neue Wasserwerfer für deutsche Polizeien spritzen bald mit noch höherem Druck aus drei Rohren. Hinzu kommen 52 Spähfahrzeuge mit Zoom und Richtmikrofon

Die Bereitschaftspolizeien der Länder werden mit neuen Wasserwerfern ausgerüstet. Nach einer Ausschreibung von 2008 wurde ein entsprechender Auftrag an die österreichische Firma Rosenbauer vergeben. In den Genuss der neuen Distanzwaffe kommen zuerst die Länderpolizeien in Hamburg, Berlin, Sachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Baden-Württemberg. Zwei Fahrzeuge werden noch 2010 übergeben, drei weitere in 2011 ausgeliefert. Der Stückpreis liegt über 900.000 Euro, bis 2019 ist die Anschaffung 78 neuer Geräte für insgesamt 75 Millionen Euro geplant.

Die neuen Wasserwerfer des Typs WaWe 10000 COBRA sollen die Fahrzeuge des älteren Typs „WaWe 9000“ schrittweise ersetzen. Ihre Beschaffung geht auf einen Beschluss der Innenministerkonferenz (IMK) von 2005 zurück. Ein erstes Fahrzeug wurde bereits im November 2009 an das Bundesministerium des Innern (BMI) zur Erprobung übergeben und in Hamburg mehrere Monate getestet. (weiter auf heise.de)

Urteil: BKA durfte keine Daten an NATO geben

Das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) hätte vor dem NATO- Gipfel 2009 keine Journalisten-Daten an die NATO weitergeben dürfen. Das hat das Verwaltungsgericht Wiesbaden entschieden.

Einem polnischen Reporter war deshalb ohne Angaben von Gründen die Presse-Akkreditierung verweigert worden. Die Datenübermittlung sei rechtswidrig gewesen, urteilte das Verwaltungsgericht nach Mitteilung vom Dienstag (Az.: 6 K 280/10.WI). Der Kläger wollte unter anderem für die polnische Ausgabe der Monatszeitschrift „le monde diplomatique“ von dem Gipfel Anfang April 2009 in Straßburg, Baden- Baden und Kehl berichten. (weiter auf neues-deutschland.de)

CIA drones could be grounded by software suit

A judge’s December ruling in an intellectual property law suit between two software firms in Massachusetts could strip the CIA’s Predator drones of their targeting software, the CEO of one of the companies says.

Intelligent Integration Systems (IISi) of Boston, Mass., developer of a sophisticated mapping software that guides CIA drones, has accused its Netezza, its onetime partner in the deal, of stealing its technology after it refused to go along with an expedited production schedule allegedly demanded by the CIA. IISi maintains that its unique software was not ready for use in the Predator system and would cause missiles to miss their targets by up to 40 feet. (more on blog.washingtonpost.com)

G20 sparks debate on nighttime rallies

With the Seoul G20 Summit just a month away, rival parties are once again clashing over the controversial assembly law.

“Public Administration and Security Minister Maeng Hyung-kyu strongly demanded that the assembly law be revised before the G20 Summit,” said Rep. Kim Moo-sung, floor leader of the ruling Grand National Party in a meeting of senior party members Monday.

“It is our concern to keep Seoul and the entire peninsula safe from possibly aggressive non-governmental organizations which may flock here, eying the global summit.”

A simple reinforcement of general security measures is not sufficient and a fundamental law revision is required, Kim said. Continue reading „G20 sparks debate on nighttime rallies“

The Unimaginable: My Night of Violence at the Hands of the Belgian Police.

(1-2 October 2010, No Border Camp, Brussels.)

Democracy in Europe is under threat of a police force that feels entitled to police thoughts and use violence, while being fully confident that it can act with impunity. Marianne Maeckelbergh, assistant professor at Leiden University went through a horrowing first hand experience.

There are moments in everyone’s life when, suddenly, after a tragic experience, the whole world looks different. On Friday 1 October 2010, the Belgian police provided me with such an experience. When they looked at me with the anger and hate of complete aggression in their eyes; when they raised their fists in violence towards me; and when I felt the hand of the state collide hard and painfully against the side of my face, that was when I realised – the world, my world, would never be the same again. Continue reading „The Unimaginable: My Night of Violence at the Hands of the Belgian Police.“

Frontex 2nd Quarter Report

The Frontex Risk Analysis Unit has released its Report for the Second Quarter of 2010 (April-June).  It is a 30+ page report containing data, charts, and graphs detailing entry routes, detections of migrants, detections of facilitators, and other information.

Excerpts from the Report’s Executive Summary: (more on migrantsatsea.wordpress.com)

Bulgaria with New Ships to Guard EU Black Sea Border

Bulgaria inaugurated five new coast guard patrol vessels to guard the Black Sea border to EU as a measure to meet the requirements for accession to the Schengen Agreement.

The new coast guard ships, which will be part of the Burgas Regional Border Police Directorate, were launched with a special christening ceremony Saturday in the presence of Prime Minister Borisov and Interior Minister Tsvetanov.

„We are going to do our best to be admitted to the Schengen Area in 2011. At the end of October we expected six new ships that will guarantee the border control along the Danube River,“ the PM said in Burgas. (more on novinite.com)

EU fürchtet Angriffe auf Informationssysteme

Matthias Monroy

Parallel zum Auftauchen des „Schadprogramms“ stuxnet verkündet die Europäische Kommission „Abwehrmaßnahmen gegen Cyberangriffe“

Stuxnet wird allerorten die Weihe als Protagonist eines Paradigmenwechsels zugesprochen. Es scheint eingetreten, was von Regierungen, Geheimdiensten und ominösen „Sicherheitsberatern“ seit Jahrzehnten orakelt (Homeland Defense, virtuelle Raketenabwehr – und das schnöde Ende einer Medienhysterie) und vom Spiegel 2001 als „@-Bombe“ betitelt wurde. Frank Rieger kommentierte in der FAZ den „digitalen Erstschlag“, Eugene Kaspersky spricht vom „Auftakt zu einem neuen Zeitalter des Cyberterrorismus, der Cyberwaffen und -kriege“.

Pünktlich zum Auftauchen von stuxnet überrascht die EU-Kommission mit der Ankündigung zweier neuer Maßnahmen, um die „Verteidigungsfähigkeit gegen Angriffe auf wichtige Informationssysteme“ sicherzustellen. (weiter auf heise.de)

Commission proposes new EU cybercrime law

The European Commission wants to harmonise the laws of EU member states dealing with cyber-attacks. It wants to create a new Directive on attacks on information systems, it said in a statement.

The European Commission adopted a ‚framework decision‘ in 2005 that attempted to coordinate laws across Europe on hacking, viruses and denial of service attacks.
It has now said that an increase in the sophistication of these attacks and a change in the legal structure of the EU following the passing of the Lisbon Treaty means that that framework decision should be replaced by a Directive. (more on theregister.co.uk)

When the ‚Future‘ Invades Our Lives. The CIA Funds ‚Predictive Behavior‘ Start-Ups

As they walked along the busy, yellow-lit tiers of offices, Anderton said: „You’re acquainted with the theory of precrime, of course. I presume we can take that for granted.“ — Philip K. Dick, The Minority Report

What do Google, the CIA and a host of so-called „predictive behavior“ start-ups have in common?

They’re interested in you, or more specifically, whether your online interests–from Facebook to Twitter posts, and from Flickr photos to YouTube and blog entries–can be exploited by powerful computer algorithms and subsequently transformed into „actionable intelligence.“ (more on antifascist-calling.blogspot.com)

Zollfahnder belauschen Web-Telefonate

uch verschlüsselte Internettelefonate sind nicht abhörsicher: Mit richterlicher Genehmigung kann die Zollfahndung mithören. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen spielen die Ermittler auf die Computer von Verdächtigen heimlich ein Programm zum Mitlauschen auf.

Auch bei verschlüsselten Internettelefonaten kann die Zollfahndung im Verdachtsfall mithören. Das gilt unter anderem für Gespräche, die über den beliebten Anbieter Skype geführt werden. Wie das Finanzministerium jetzt auf Anfrage der FDP einräumte, kommt dafür die umstrittene „Quellen-Telekommunikationsüberwachung“ („Quellen- TKÜ“) zum Einsatz. (weiter auf spiegel.de)

Anti-rally law starts, sparks protests

With the G-20 Summit scheduled to begin in less than 41 days, the special law for security took effect yesterday and has already barred a civic activist from Japan, who was on a Ministry of Justice blacklist, from entering the country.

Japanese activist Hajime Matsumoto, 36, was invited to attend a Korean civic group’s event next week, but the Korean immigration office blocked his entry on Thursday and he was forced to go back to his country yesterday.

Though the immigration office declined to give an official reason for his rejection citing security concerns, sources told the JoongAng Ilbo that it is related to tightening security measures ahead of the G-20 Summit in Seoul in November. Matsumoto, who previously visited Korea in April, was invited to attend a local youth gathering on Oct. 6. Continue reading „Anti-rally law starts, sparks protests“

Security plans for G-20: troops and perimeters

The government yesterday unveiled a beefed-up security plan to mobilize 60,000 police and military troops and spend 27.3 billion won ($24.3 million) for next month’s G-20 Summit in Seoul.

The G-20 Protection and Security Office, which controls security details for the event, said a three-layer security perimeter will be created around COEX, where the leaders of the world’s major economies will meet for two days from Nov. 11 to 12.

Traffic around the four main roads surrounding the convention center will be restricted, but not completely shut down, said Kim In-jong, chief of the Presidential Security Service and head of the G-20’s security office. “The intention is to provide perfect security measures while minimizing public inconvenience,” he said. Continue reading „Security plans for G-20: troops and perimeters“

Parliament freezes EU Police College funds over dodgy accounts


The European Parliament has frozen the funding of the UK-based European Police College over dodgy accounting at the EU agency.

Euro-deputies on Thursday refused to sign off its budget for 2008, declaring that the European Police College (Cepol), launched in 2006 to establish a network of European police officers via training courses, seminars and exchange programmes, „has yet to meet good standards of administration.“ (more on euobserver.com)

US Citizen/Global Justice Activist & Professor Arrested and Tortured by Belgian Police

Among 500 Arrested in Police Crackdown on Migrant Rights Mobilization

Last Friday, during the No Border Camp, „a convergence of struggles aiming to end the system of borders that divide us All,” US citizen Dr. Marianne Maeckelbergh, professor at the University of Leiden in Holland and a long-time global justice, political prisoner solidarity, environmental, and animal rights activist and researcher was arrested for taking pictures while police were making arrests in Brussels, Belgium. Dr. Maeckelbergh is the author of The Will of the Many: How the Alterglobalisation Movement Is Changing the Face of Democracy.

Having just entered Belgium two and a half hours earlier, she was on the terrace of a café with friends when she witnessed violent arrests on the street. She went to take pictures and was herself arrested by the police chief. She was taken into police custody where she was violently dragged by her hair, chained to a radiator, hit, kicked, spat upon, called a whore, and threatened with sexual assault by the police. She also witnessed the torture of another prisoner also chained to a radiator. Continue reading „US Citizen/Global Justice Activist & Professor Arrested and Tortured by Belgian Police“

Audio zoom picks out lone voice in the crowd

Catherine de Lange

Professional footballers beware: the argument you are having with your coach could soon be overheard even within the cacophony of a packed stadium. A new microphone system allows broadcasters to zoom in on sounds as well as sights, to pick out a single conversation.

Physicists Morgan Kjølerbakken and Vibeke Jahr, formerly at the University of Oslo, Norway, were working on sonar technology when they came up with the idea for what they call a supermicrophone, now dubbed the AudioScope. The device is made up of around 300 microphones arranged in a fixed circular array above the sports ground. They are used in conjunction with a wide-angle camera that can zoom in to any position on the pitch. Because the camera is also fixed, it can be calibrated to zoom in to any location within its range. (more on newscientist.com)