International conference: „The continuum of violence. Europe, from G8-2001 until now“

Tuesday 22 july 2008 | 5.30 Pm | Munizioniere di Palazzo Ducale, Genoa


Download presentation and fact sheet (pdf)


  • Salvatore Palidda, sociologist, University of Genoa, Title: “Violence of Neo-con Powers”, Language: Italian
  • Jean-Pierre
    Masse, sociologist and hacktivist, SciencesPo – Paris, Title: “Les
    multiples visages de la repression dans la France contemporaine” [The
    many faces of repression in France today], Language: French with
    translation into Italian
  • Matthias Monroy,
    militant and activist, Gipfelsoli Infogruppe, Title: “Preventive
    Repression – Strategies of police collaboration in Europe”, Language:
    English with translation into Italian

Organized by:

For more info: lorenzo [at] socialautopsy [dot] org

Here you can find the post in agenda and the flyer (in Italian):