[consilium.europa.eu] Today, the Foreign Affairs Council agreed, in response to a specific request from the
United Nations, that EU member states will provide:
– engineering expertise and equipment to open routes to facilitate aid,
– a maritime logistic capability which can operate without port facilities, as well as
– a collective EU contribution of a least 300 personnel to reinforce MINUSTAH’s police capability. This includes the contribution made by those EU member states which are part of the European Gendarmerie Force.
The Council also agreed to the High Representative’s proposal to set up a coordination cell in Brussels (EUCO Haiti) to facilitate a proactive European response in the military and security domain. This aims to facilitate contributions by EU member states, avoiding duplication and, in respect of military and security support, to complement action taken through the Monitoring and Information Centre (MIC).
Source: http://www.consilium.europa.eu//uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/EN/foraff/112548.pdf