M.A.D.R.I.D. Report

From: Spanish, Belgian and Hungarian Presidencies
To: Coreper/Council

First main assessment and description report for internal debate (M.A.D.R.I.D. Report)

[register.consilium.europa.eu] The adoption of an Internal Security Strategy (ISS) for the EU provides the basis for concerted action in the EU to tackle the main threats and risks the EU faces.

The ISS assumes that effective action against these threats and challenges will be informed by a clear understanding of their nature and impact. This Report provides a summary of the current threats and challenges to internal security in the EU. It is based on three strategic documents – Europol’s Organised Crime Threat Assessment (OCTA), Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT), and Frontex’s Annual Risk Analysis (ARA). (pdf at register.consilium.europa.eu)