Direct action against Steria in Brussels

In a direct action against the repressive border regime of „fortress Europe“, a group of activists targeted the offices of Steria with grafitti and the property damage.

Steria, with Cogent Systems, conceived the Eurodac database.

In a direct action against the repressive border regime of „fortress Europe“, a group of activists targeted the offices of Steria with grafitti and the property damage.

Steria, with Cogent Systems, conceived the Eurodac database. Eurodac was designed as, and has been implemented by the European parliarment and its individual member states, as a formidable repressive tool against some of those people most oppressed and underpriviliged.

Eurodac is an integral part of the system of Fortress Europe that forces those that wish to cross borders (that are not the small minority of social and financial elite who have class privilige to back up them) into a clandestine struggle involving literally risking life and limb – jumping of the trains, hanging to the underneath of lorries, dealing with the mafia, burning off fingerprints, etc.

The creation of such a databases, especially given its usage, is an unforgivable act; and this is why Steria was targeted. The building also is used as the offices for the investent banking arm of the finance group, AXA. As on the whole an action of Anti-Captitalista, as well as being primarily an action of No Border, this was also seen as a legitimate target for the direct action.

The activists spray painted the slogan „SMASH EURODAC“ and smashed a number of windows.

For a more detailed description and analysis of Eurodac –


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