Information exchange mechanisms between the GSC/civilian ESDP missions and Europol

Subject: Joint evaluation of the implementation of the information exchange mechanisms between the GSC/civilian ESDP missions and Europol

Europol – General Secretariat of the Council (CPCC)

The aim of this joint evaluation is to report on the progress made in the implementation of the information exchange mechanisms between civilian ESDP police missions and Europol and to make recommendations on the way forward. The report will assess the two types of mechanism currently in place, namely:
– The administrative arrangement agreed between the General Secretariat of the Council (GSC) and the Director of Europol, in force since 25 August 2008, allowing for the exchange of non-personal data2 between Europol and all civilian ESDP police missions, via the GSC3;
– The information exchange mechanism allowing for the exchange of personal data between the EULEX Kosovo Mission and Europol, via the Europol National Units (ENUs) of volunteering Member States. (pdf at