Europol Work Programme 2012

Building on the further implementation of Europol’s Strategy 2010-2014 and important structural changes in 2011, the aim of the Work Programme 2012 is to deliver more of the envisaged benefits of the Strategy for Europol’s stakeholders. This Work Programme describes Europol’s commitments and ambitions for 2012 with the necessary flexibility to respond to emerging threats and new responsibilities stemming from strategic decisions at EU level. With a “zero growth” budget in 2011, Europol has to implement significant efficiency savings to achieve improvements without further growth. In 2012, the allocation of resources will be in line with prioritised crime threats and strategic initiatives.

Goal 1 of the Strategy foresees the delivery of increased support for law enforcement operations. In 2012, Europol will more proactively support Member States’ investigations. Operational resources will be aligned with priority crime areas and the capabilities of Europol’s New Headquarters will be fully utilised. To enhance the coordination of operational action in the EU, Europol will coordinate the implementation of operational action plans e.g. stemming from the EU Policy Cycle and extend operational cooperation arrangements with other relevant EU Agencies. (download pdf from