Polizeiliche Datenbankgesellschaft
Matthias Monroy EU-Parlamentarier opponieren gegen die geplante "IT-Agentur" zur Verwaltung polizeilicher Datenhalden. Ein Ende der Errichtung neuer Informationssysteme ist indes nicht absehbar Cecilia Malmström, Innenkommissarin der Europäischen Union, hat eine umfassende Übersicht aller EU-Informationssysteme mit Personendaten angekündigt. In einer Mitteilung an den LIBE-Ausschuss (Bürgerliche Freiheiten, Justiz und Inneres) des Europäischen Parlaments verspricht Malmström, das Papier […]
Joe Sacco: Not in my country
For African migrants trying to reach Europe, Malta is directly in their path. Joe Sacco observes their treatment in his homeland
Schwarzenegger mobilizes National Guard to border
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Friday mobilized members of the California National Guard as part of a federal effort to deter drug trafficking and illegal immigration along the border with Mexico. [google.com] His order supports President Barack Obama’s plan to have 1,200 National Guard troops assist with federal border protection, customs and immigration […]
Europa macht das Meer dicht
[derwesten.de] Ein besseres Leben in Europa. Diesen Traum hatte der Senegalese Idrissa Sane, als er sich im Sommer 2007 wie 18 000 weitere Afrikaner von der Westküste des schwarzen Kontinents, dicht gedrängt auf morschen Pirogen auf lebensgefährliche Fahrt machte, um über die Kanaren das spanische Festland zu erreichen. Drei Jahre später wird es wohl weniger […]
South Korea: Machine gun-toting robots deployed on DMZ
By Jon Rabiroff A set of SGR-1 armed robots have been set up near the southern boundary of Korea’s Demilitarized Zone on an experimental basis to see how well they complement the soldiers that keep an eye on the heavily fortified border between the North and South. The robot, using heat and motion detectors, can […]
INTERPOL – At the centre of security for the 2010 FIFA World Cup
[interpol.int] As one phone crashes down in the Uruguay police booth at South Africa’s International Police Co-ordination Centre (IPCC) in Pretoria, another is snatched up in the nearby INTERPOL booth where staff launch into animated dialogue with colleagues at the INTERPOL Regional Bureau in Harare about two illegal immigration suspects who have just been detained […]
SH-60F Seahawk Helis for Tunisia
[defenseindustrydaily.com] On July 2/10, the US DSCA announced [PDF] Tunisia’s formal request to buy 12 refurbished US Navy SH-60F Seahawk utility Helicopters, plus associated equipment. The SH-60Fs would be offered as Excess Defense Articles (grant EDA notification is being submitted separately). In the US Navy, the SH-60F is a utility and search and rescue helicopter, […]
Obama requests $600 million for border security
The president’s emergency funding request would pay for more Border Patrol agents, drones, National Guard troops and more. [latimes.com] The Obama administration formally asked Congress on Tuesday for $600 million in emergency funds to hire another 1,000 Border Patrol agents, acquire two drones and enhance security along the Southwest border. The money would also pay […]
Eritrean refugees in Libya – the recent proposal from Tripoli is insufficient
EveryOne Group and Habeshia, the Eritrean Refugee agency: “Forcing the refugees to carry out “socially useful labour” without any guarantee of asylum or dignified living conditions is a further unacceptable violation of their human rights. Europe and Italy must take them in and grant them asylum. In the meantime we are asking for an inspection […]
Nach Swift-Abkommen: EU und USA streben umfassenden Datenaustausch an
Die EU und die USA streben nach dem Swift-Abkommen weitere Vereinbarungen zum Datenaustausch an. Eine umfassendes Abkommen bis 2011 stehen. [welt.de] Die EU-Kommission und die USA planen den Abschluss eines übergreifenden Abkommens zum Austausch von persönlichen Daten. Die neue Vereinbarung sollte den jüngst vom EU-Parlament verabschiedeten Vertrag zu Bankdaten umfassen, sagte EU-Vizepräsidentin Viviane Reding in […]
Irregular immigration hits new low in first quarter 2010, facilitator detections up 13%
[frontex.europa.eu] The quarterly report by the Frontex Risk Analysis Network (FRAN) for the first three months of 2010 showed significant drops in all indicators of irregular migration at the external borders of the European Union. These lows continue a general decreasing trend already noticeable in 2009 and are attributed to reduced employment opportunities for irregular […]
Two babies dead in refugee boat rescue drama
A boat carrying at least 37 refugees, amongst them five dead, including two babies, was rescued this afternoon off the coast of Motril (Granada) by the Martitime Rescue Services and the Guardia Civil. [thinkspain.com] The boat was spotted around 4pm about 43 nautical miles to the south of Motril by a Maritime Rescue aircraft doing […]
Agreement between ESA and EMSA furthers maritime safety
ESA and the European Maritime Safety Agency have signed a further Agreement to ensure that satellite data are available to enhance maritime safety and help combat pollution from shipping. [esa.int] The Agreement was signed at ESA Headquarters in Paris on 2 July by ESA’s Director General, Jean-Jacques Dordain, and the Executive Director of the […]
Italy: Offer to Shelter Eritreans Detained, Abused by Libya
[alertnet.org] The Italian government should immediately offer to take into Italy at least 11 Eritreans it had previously forced back to Libya and who are now detained there and threatened with deportation back to Eritrea, Human Rights Watch said today. The Italian Navy had previously blocked these Eritreans from reaching Italy by sea and summarily […]
Frontex and CEPOL forge stronger strategic links
Today, Ilkka Laitinen, Frontex Executive Director, and Ferenc Bánfi, CEPOL Director met at CEPOL Secretariat to discuss the strategy for closer future cooperation between Frontex and CEPOL. [frontex.europa.eu] Both Directors agreed that any future cooperation should not only build on the arrangement signed by both agencies in June 2009, but also reflect the recent joint […]
SWIFT: Mehr Macht für Terrorfahnder
Am Donnerstag wird das EU-Parlament voraussichtlich das umstrittene SWIFT-Abkommen zur Übermittlung von Finanzdaten an US-Terrorfahnder verabschieden. Zu den Eckpunkten des Vertrags gehört auch, dass die EU ein eigenes Programm zur Finanzdatenanalyse auflegt. Die Macht der Fahnder wächst, die Abwehrmöglichkeiten der Bürger sind noch zu schwach, aber das Aufbegehren des EU-Parlaments zeigt Wirkung. [futurezone.orf.at] Jahrelang analysierten […]
The INDECT Consortium: “Preliminary report on police and prosecutor repositories and access procedures”
This Deliverable presents the first 18 months of research within the INDECT Work-Package 5. Research in this period of time was devoted mainly to police and prosecutor repositories and access procedures. The work got structured into several sub-topics. [indect-project.eu] The first sub-topic relates to search engines based on recommender systems, profiling and data-mining. Such search […]
Wer Schweizer werden will, wird fichiert
Einbürgerungswillige Personen werden nicht nur auf Einträge im Strafregister, sondern auch auf eine mögliche Bedrohung der Schweiz hin überprüft. [20min.ch] Wer sich in der Schweiz einbürgern lassen will, wird vom Dienst für Analyse und Prävention (DAP) überprüft, dem Inlandgeheimdienst. Das bestätigt das Bundesamt für Migration (BfM) gegenüber der Zeitung «Sonntag». «Alle Einbürgerungsgesuche werden systematisch dem […]
Unheilvolle Kooperation
Hintergrund. Das Konzept der »Festung Europa« widerspricht humanitären Standards. Flüchtlingspolitik am Beispiel Libyens und Maltas Von Ulla Jelpke [jungewelt.de] Unter der Leitung von Oberst Muammar Al-Ghaddafi führten 1969 panarabische und sozialrevolutionäre Offiziere einen Umsturz im nordafrikanischen Königreich und ehemaligen italienischen Kolonialgebiet Libyen herbei. 1977 wurde das Land zur sozialistischen Volksrepublik auf Grundlage des Korans proklamiert. […]
Mitilini, June 2010
+++ Frontex expands border patrol +++ Pagani still works as closed detention centre +++ Frontex-interviewers replaces Medicines Sans Frontiers +++ marks of Noborder are still to be found everywhere [w2eu.net] When you walk along the port of Mitilini, the capital of Lesvos island, you can hardly oversee that you are moving in a militarized zone […]