Schweiz: Zusatzabkommen zu FRONTEX unterzeichnet
Die Schweiz hat zur Sicherung der EU-Aussengrenzen ein Zusatzabkommen mit der EU unterzeichnet. Damit kann sie bei der «Europäischen Agentur für die Zusammenarbeit an den Aussengrenzen» (FRONTEX) mitmachen. [20min.ch] Der Bundesrat und das Parlament haben bereits im vergangenen Jahr den Weg frei gemacht, damit die Schweiz die Verordnung zur Errichtung von FRONTEX übernehmen und umsetzen […]
Belgrade hosts conference on organized crime
BELGRADE — A regional ministerial conference on the fight against organized crime began this Monday in Belgrade. [b92.net] The two-day conference will gather interior and justice ministers from around the region to discuss cooperation in combating organized crime. European officials, and representatives of many organizations, including OSCE, the Council of Europe, Europol, Interpol and Eurojust […]
NeoConOpticon – The EU Security-Industrial Complex by Ben Hayes
Major new report by Statewatch and the Transnational Institute "Despite the often benign intent behind collaborative European ‘research’ into integrated land, air, maritime, space and cyber-surveillance systems, the EU’s security and R&D policy is coalescing around a high-tech blueprint for a new kind of security. It envisages a future world of red zones and green […]
Anti-Racist Action Days in Berlin October 17th till October 20th
[antiratage.blogsport.de] Racism in everyday life is a common problem and seems almost „natural“ in many people’s way of thinking. People are often confronted with their „otherness“ and are forced to feel that they don‘t belong. Current politics defines human value by someone’s immediate utility. The inhumane conditions in Germany prevent many from leading a life […]
Meine Daten gehören mir!
Informationsveranstaltung – Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2009 – 19.00 Uhr Berlin, Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte Europäischer Fünfjahresplan Die Verabschiedung des „Stockholm Programms" durch den Ministerrat der EU steht im Dezember in Stockholm bevor. Der neue Fünfjahresplan europäischer Innenpolitik weitet die Strategien der Politik „Innerer Sicherheit" aus und sieht umfassende Eingriffs- und Zusammenarbeitsformen in der EU-Innen- […]
What next for ‚jungle‘ residents?
By Chris Mason The operation began at 0739 (0539 GMT). Clutching batons and riot helmets, 600 officers from the CRS – the French riot police – moved into the rough patch of wasteland known here as "the jungle". [bbc.co.uk] Local residents, who live within yards of the camp, looked on from their front doorsteps. A […]
Frontex ‚involved‘ in return of migrants
By Judith Crosbie EU border agency denies claims by Human Rights Watch; Malta also said to have sent migrants back to Libya. [europeanvoice.com] The EU’s border agency, Frontex, has been involved in a number of controversial operations in which migrants have been sent back to Libya, Human Rights Watch said today. A report by the […]
Italien/Libyen: Migranten beschreiben Zwangsrückführungen und Misshandlungen
EU soll Italien zur Aussetzung der Zwangsrückführungen nach Libyen drängen [hrw.org] Italien fängt afrikanische Migranten und Asylsuchende auf hoher See ab und zwingt sie zur Rückkehr nach Libyen, ohne zu prüfen, ob ihnen der Flüchtlingsstatus zusteht oder andere Gefährdungen vorliegen. In Libyen werden viele der Rückkehrer unter unmenschlichen und erniedrigenden Bedingungen inhaftiert, und es […]
Come to Calais to protest against the destruction of camps and squats of migrants!
International solidarity actions in front of all French embassies in Europe! The French government, no doubt under British pressure, has proposed a definitive ‘solution to the ‘problem’ of the migrants in Calais. We call on all people concerned for the welfare of the migrants in Calais to mobilise and oppose the ‘solution’ which will, according […]
Von Lesbos ins Ungewisse
Communiqué von Mytilini, August 2009 [akweb.de] Lesbos, eine griechische Insel kurz vor der türkischen Küste, hat sich in den letzten Jahren zum Knotenpunkt der Migration nach Europa entwickelt. Beinahe jede Nacht landen MigrantInnen auf der Insel – wenn sie nicht von der griechischen Küstenwache oder der EU-Grenzagentur Frontex abgefangen werden (siehe ak 539 und lesvos09.antira.info). […]
Initiative aus Frankreich: EU soll illegale Einwanderer schon auf See abfangen
Frankreich will in der Europäischen Union eine neue, auf Abfangen und Rückführung gerichtete Politik durchsetzen, die Migranten das illegale Einreisen unmöglich macht. [zeit.de] Der Druck der Schleuser an den EU-Außengrenzen sei ohne Beispiel, schrieb Einwanderungsminister Eric Besson am Freitag an seine EU-Kollegen. Die EU-Agentur Frontex zur Abstimmung der Grenzkontrollen brauche eine neue, auf Abfangen und […]
„Warum hast du nichts gemacht, um das aufzuhalten?“
Matthias Monroy In drei Monaten wird der neue Fünfjahresplan der EU zur inneren Sicherheit verabschiedet [heise.de] Nach dem "Tampere-Programm" 1999 und dem "Haager Programm" 2004 wird die EU unter schwedischer Präsidentschaft mit dem "Stockholm Programm" mehr Kompetenzen im Bereich innerer Sicherheit erhalten. Der neue Katalog zur innenpolitischen Staatswerdung der EU stellt "den Bürger in den […]
Stockholm Programme moves quickly towards adoption
The timetables for the Stockholm Programme have become a great deal clearer since the return of the Parliament following the summer break and the communication between the Swedish Presidency and relevant parliamentary committees. [edri.org] The Programme aims to set the priorities for a variety of justice issues (including criminal and civil law enforcement cooperation) for […]
Police cooperation: Allowing access to fingerprints stored in EURODAC by Member States‘ law enforcement authorities and by Europol
[7thspace.com] Today, national authorities in the EU face legal problems and very burdensome procedures when they need to exchange data on asylum seekers and persons who illegally crossed the external borders. To protect life and safety of European citizens by fighting terrorism and serious crime, such as trafficking in human beings and in drugs, it […]
US Homeland Security begins hoarding personal data
The White House is unveiling new rules for searching computers, laptops and other electronic devices when people enter the United States. Civil liberties groups have criticized the measure. [russiatoday.ru] The Department of Homeland Security says the measure is needed to detect information about potential terror plots, as well as copyright infringement and child pornography. Human […]
Police detain 900 wanted people thanks to Schengen system
The Czech police have detained 900 wanted persons and found 400 people reported missing, including 115 children, since the Czech Republic joined the Schengen Information System (SIS) two years ago, according to the Police Presidium’s report released on Tuesday. [praguemonitor.com] The SIS serves to the exchange of data on stolen items, lost documents and missing […]
Prologue to the Lesvos Noborder camp
Released Pagani migrants and No Borders activists together drive Frontex away [lesvos09.antira.info] Today in the port of Mitilini, Lesvos a demonstration was held concerning the refugees recently released from the detention centre in Pagani with no means to support themselves. A symbolic blockade took place to show that while holidaymakers come and go freely, many […]
EU cities want bigger say in immigration debate
Some 130 major cities in Europe have called on the EU institutions to give local municipal authorities a bigger say in the immigration debate and recognise the economic benefits of migration. [euobserver.com] Since the impact of EU and national policies regarding migration is mostly felt in urban areas, local authorities should have a "clearly defined […]
Burden sharing mechanism on illegal immigration: Pilot project proposal out in September, says Barrot
[independent.com] The European Commission Vice-President Jacques Barrot announced last week in the European Parliament that in September he will be presenting the framework for a pilot project for a burden sharing mechanism that will be tailored for Malta. Barrot was reacting to a question put by Maltese MEP Simon Busuttil during the first meeting of […]
European IT policing plans raises privacy hackles
By David Haworth On the basis that you only notice a door close if you’re on the wrong side of it, the next six months of Sweden’s European Union (EU) leadership will see the launching of a five year justice plan for more citizens’ rights and better law enforcement coordination. [internationalnewsservices.com] “One of the first […]