The EU Internal Security Strategy – what does it mean for the United States?
Speech from Cecilia Malmström, Member of the European Commission Discussion organised by The Center for Transatlantic Relations Washington DC, 8 December 201 Ladies and Gentlemen, We must go from being reactive to proactive. In defence matters soldiers too often base the organisation and the analysis on the latest war and not the coming one. Let’s […]

Frontex Guest Officers Sent to Work in Italy
Warsaw, February 25—Specialist screening and debriefing experts from six Member States/Schengen-Associated Countries (SACs) have been sent to assist the Italian authorities with the processing of irregular migrants in Italy. Under the provisions of Joint Operation (JO) Hermes Extension 2011, Frontex has deployed 20 expert personnel to immigrant detention centres in Crotone in Calabria, Caltanissetta and […]

Watch this Space
Under the European space policy we’re currently working on two major projects, both of which are of great benefit for our society: the GMES global monitoring system and Galileo, the European satellite navigation system. I have been and continue to be the European parliament’s rapporteur for both of these areas. GMES (global monitoring for environment […]
German counter-extremism programme – a ’spying charter‘
By Liz Fekete & Sibille Merz As we await Lord Carlile’s much trumpeted review of the Prevent strategy, anti-racist groups are revealing the sinister danger in Germany’s new counter-extremism strategy The Berlin group ReachOut is amongst a number of victim support organisations which have refused to sign up to new grant conditions announced by the […]
Libya replete with EU arms as Gaddafi massacres protesters
ANDREW RETTMAN As dead bodies pile up on the streets of Tripoli and blocked phone lines hamper the EU evacuation effort, the latest EU figures show that EU countries just two years ago granted over €160 million of export licences to Libya for small arms and electronic jamming equipment. The Union’s latest report on arms […]
Cross-border spying on “Euro-anarchists”
Find some updates about what became public about Mark Kennedy and other undercover agents in Germany and, vice versa, activities of German undercover police in UK. All mentioned quotes are from a report that was given by the chief of the German Federal Investigation Bureau (“Bundeskriminalamt”), Joerg Ziercke in the Home Affairs Committee in the […]

Bringing the Revolution Home
Leil-Zahra Mortada If there are countries that showed hands-on, proactive solidarity with the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions, they are Bahrain, Libya, Iran, Yemen and Algeria. News of protests are starting to come in from Morocco, Jordan, Syria and the Kurdish Iraqi-occupied territories. Many people are wondering why now, how come, how did it happen, where […]

Visit by EU home affairs commissioner Malmström triggers protests
When EU home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmström visited the European Police Congress in Berlin yesterday, concerned citizens protested in front of the building. They criticised mostly Malmström’s lack of support for ending EU-wide telecommunications data retention as well as her Internet blocking plans and Malmström’s support for a proposal to keep a record of every […]

Spying company, Vericola Ltd, uncovered after incompetence
A spying firm with corporate clients including E.ON, Scottish Power and Scottish Coal has been identified after accidentally emailing the activists it was spying on. Kent-based Vericola Ltd has been targeting groups including the Camp for Climate Action and London Rising Tide with low-level infiltration. Other groups are encouraged to check their lists and share […]
Satellite Sentinel Project Uses Commercial Satellite Imagery to Monitor Sudanese Conflict
It has long been the hope of commercial satellite imaging companies that they could extend their use to the commercial sector. With the goal of generating rapid responses for human rights and human security, the Satellite Sentinel Project (SSP) has employed DigitalGlobe to take high resolution commercial satellite imagery and make it available to the […]

Canada: Huge police database in works
Civil libertarians say privacy at risk in computer project By Karen Kleiss The Alberta government is quietly building a $65-million police information database that will allow officers across the province to share details about proven and suspected criminal activity in real time. The Alberta Law Officers‘ Network, or Talon, is meant to help police catch […]

Mark Kennedy: A detailed chronology of his activities
A detailed overview of Mark Kennedy’s actions between 2002-2010, in different countries. It will no doubt generate more information, so please comment or email the address included. See the database on http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/Mark_Kennedy:_A_chronology_of_his_activities The original purpose of this chronology was to collate info from various places, and to try to help comrades in other countries access […]

Protest Policing: There’s An App For That
What have tuition fees, G20 and UKUncut got in common? It’s easy; they’re all the subjects of high-profile protests which were originally intended to be peaceful but got out of hand and led to criticism of policing at them. Today, police are being urged to move with the times over peacekeeping at protests to prevent […]

French Government Wants to Sacrifice Net Neutrality
French Minister to Digital Economy, Éric Besson, has called for an end to Net Neutrality, a principle on which there seemed to be consensus among French and European decision makers1. By giving telecom operators the possibility to sell prioritized access to the network, the government would put an end to equality among Internet users. Time […]

Police read the riot act over Twitter
A police watchdog has highlighted how micro-blogging sites such as Twitter are undermining traditional police tactics by facilitating a new breed of unpredictable and fast changing protests. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary report that protests can now be organised in hours and changed within minutes thanks to the prevalence of mobile phones, necessitating the deployment of […]

Shocking encounter with members of the “Rally – Budapest – Bamako”
Watch on Youtube On January 29th, while returning form Nioro du Sahel, the caravan held a stopover in Djenna, a little village, located about 3hours from Bamako. In front of some little restaurants around 20 large jeeps were parked pompously at the side of the road. Cattle sculls, stickers and sponsors’tags that decorated the vehicles, […]

Call for a Common Day of Action – 11th February 2011
On Tuesday 25 of January the historical building of the Law school in Athens that is out of use at the moment- turned to be the place of a fair and democratic struggle; a place, where a lot of social struggles had taken place in the past, had the opportunity to host the struggle of […]

Second annual C4ISR Senior Leaders Conference concludes in Vicenza, Italy
U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) hosted its second annual C4ISR Senior Leaders Conference Feb. 2-4 at Caserma Ederle, headquarters of U.S. Army Africa, in Vicenza, Italy. The communications and intelligence community event, hosted by Brig. Gen. Robert Ferrell, AFRICOM C4 director, drew approximately 80 senior leaders from diverse U.S. military and government branches and agencies, as […]

Rioters using Google Maps for real-time information
Some professional protesters may have better and fresher intel than the police For some, anarchy is a full-time job. The nature or cause of the event is a far secondary issue to the opportunity to disrupt people’s lives, destroy property, and flip the bird at authority. These folks devote their talents to devising new ways […]

Petition: We Oppose Brutal Repression of Political Dissent in Greece
We, the undersigned, are faculty, students, lawyers, and journalists from across the United States and Europe who believe that all people of the world should have the rights to express dissenting views and to protest for social change. We have learned that the “Delta” force in Greece denies protestors those rights through physical brutality against […]