BXL: Reclaim your data from police databases
Gegen die grenzüberschreitende Kriminalisierung politischer AktivistInnen! Für die Abschaffung der polizeilichen Datenbankgesellschaft! Contre la criminalisation trans-frontalière des militants politiques! Pour la fin d’une société fondée sur les bases de données! Against the crossborder criminalisation of political activitsts! For the abandonment of the police database society! Text in english/ francais/ german
Succesful blockade of Frontex meeting at Brussels
The Security and Defense Agenda thinktank organised a roundtable on ‚finetuning EU border policy‘, in Brussels on September 29th. Key speaker was Brig. Gen. Ilkka Laitinen, Executive director of FRONTEX. Thirty activists disturbed the meeting of industrials, politicians, lobbyists and ‚independant‘ experts.
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