Browse: Page 75
By europolice on 15. Juli 2010
[] Seit kurzem kann man von einigen privaten Anbietern
De-Mail-Adressen registrieren lassen. De-Mail ist ein E-Mail-Postfach,
vor dessen Einrichtung man sich mit einem Ausweis eindeutig
identifizieren muss (z.B. per Postident).
Aus den folgenden Gründen kann von einer Registrierung und Nutzung
von De-Mail nur abgeraten werden:
- Vor der Einrichtung eines De-Mail-Briefkastens muss man sich identifizieren,
was bei einem normalen Briefkasten, bei dem Versand von Briefen oder
bei sonstigen E-Mail-Konten nicht erforderlich ist. Nur anonyme
Kommunikation ist aber sicher vor vor missbräuchlicher Aufdeckung.
- Aufgrund der Architektur von De-Mail fließen alle Daten und Kontakte
auf die Person rückführbar an einer zentralen Stelle zusammen;
die Verwendung mehrerer, nicht in Verbindung zu bringender Identitäten
ist nicht möglich.
- Die hinterlegten persönlichen Daten des Nutzers sind für eine Vielzahl
von Sicherheitsbehörden und Geheimdiensten ohne richterliche
Anordnung anforderbar (§ 113 TKG), die
Identität hinter einer De-Mail-Adresse ist für über 1.000 Behörden in
einem Onlineverfahren abrufbar (§ 112 TKG), in dem täglich
12.000 Zugriffe auf Kundendaten erfolgen.
Continue reading „Boykottiert das gläserne De-Mail!“
Posted in Datenbanken, European Police, Software/ IT, Various |
By europolice on 14. Juli 2010
[] Ein besseres Leben in Europa. Diesen Traum hatte der Senegalese Idrissa Sane, als er sich im Sommer 2007 wie 18 000 weitere Afrikaner von der Westküste des schwarzen Kontinents, dicht gedrängt auf morschen Pirogen auf lebensgefährliche Fahrt machte, um über die Kanaren das spanische Festland zu erreichen.
Drei Jahre später wird es wohl weniger Bilder geben von ausgemergelten Afrikanern, die an den kanarischen Stränden zwischen Touristen erschöpft an Land paddeln. Die Zahl bis zum Bersten mit illegalen Einwanderern gefüllter, altersschwacher Seelenverkäufer im Mittelmeer wird sich ebenfalls in diesem Sommer verringern. Europa hat das Meer abgeschlossen. Umso mehr könnten sich die Ströme der Migranten in die EU auf das Nadelöhr Südosteuropa, auf die Türkei und Griechenland konzentrieren.
Nach Angaben des Flüchtlingskommissariats der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR) sind aktuell je nach Küstenabschnitt zwischen 50 und 95 Prozent weniger Bootsflüchtlinge angelandet als im Vorjahr. (weiter auf
Posted in Border Control |
By europolice on 14. Juli 2010
By Jon Rabiroff
A set of SGR-1 armed robots have been set up near the southern boundary of Korea’s Demilitarized Zone on an experimental basis to see how well they complement the soldiers that keep an eye on the heavily fortified border between the North and South. The robot, using heat and motion detectors, can identify and shoot a potential target more than two miles away.
[] DEMILITARIZED ZONE, Korea — Security along the DMZ has gone high-tech, as South Korea has quietly installed a number of machine gun-armed robots to serve as the first line of defense against the potential advance of North Korean soldiers.
The stationary robots — which look like a cross between a traffic signal and a tourist-trap telescope — are more drone than Terminator in concept, operated remotely just outside the southern boundary of the DMZ by humans in a nearby command center.
Officials refuse to say how many or where the robots have been deployed along the heavily fortified border between the two Koreas, but did say they were installed late last month and will be operated on an experimental basis through the end of the year. Continue reading „South Korea: Machine gun-toting robots deployed on DMZ“
Posted in Border Control, English, Robotik
By europolice on 13. Juli 2010
[] International efforts to combat terrorism since the 9/11 attacks in the United States have done incalculable damage to the absolute prohibition on torture. The global ban on torture is a cornerstone of international law, binding on all nations in peace and at war, and no exceptions or justifications are permitted. The attack on the torture prohibition by the US government under President George W. Bush has rightly received widespread international condemnation, and has been formally repudiated by the Obama administration.
Far less attention has been paid to the other side of the Atlantic, where leading European governments continue to flout their obligations to prevent and eradicate torture worldwide— and betray their declared values—through intelligence cooperation with countries that torture.
France, Germany and the United Kingdom—pillars of the European Union and important allies in the fight against terrorism—demonstrate, through policy statements and practice, a willingness (even eagerness) to cooperate with foreign intelligence services in countries like Uzbekistan and Pakistan—notorious for abusive practices, both in general and against terrorism suspects in particular. They then use foreign torture information for intelligence and policing purposes. (download pdf at
Posted in BKA, English, European Police, Justiz
By europolice on 13. Juli 2010
[] As one phone crashes down in the Uruguay police booth at South Africa’s
International Police Co-ordination Centre (IPCC) in Pretoria, another
is snatched up in the nearby INTERPOL booth where staff launch into
animated dialogue with colleagues at the INTERPOL Regional Bureau in
Harare about two illegal immigration suspects who have just been
detained on the Zimbabwe-South Africa border.
The centre of police co-operation surrounding
the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa, the IPCC is where police
officers from the 32 participating countries can liaise not only with
their national administrations but also with INTERPOL’s Major Events
Support Team (IMEST) and the South African Police Services (SAPS).
Liaising closely with INTERPOL’s National Central
Bureau (NCB) in Pretoria and composed of experienced specialised police
officers and operational assistants, INTERPOL’s IMEST team – totalling
50 members – was in place across South Africa well ahead of the
opening of the World Cup. Its objective? To help secure the event. How?
By making critical data on wanted criminals, stolen travel documents
and stolen motor vehicles accessible to the event’s key security
players across the country.
Continue reading „INTERPOL – At the centre of security for the 2010 FIFA World Cup“
Posted in BKA, Border Control, Datenbanken, English, European Police, Policing Major Events
By europolice on 12. Juli 2010
[] On July 2/10, the US DSCA announced
[PDF] Tunisia’s formal request to buy 12 refurbished US Navy SH-60F
Seahawk utility Helicopters, plus associated equipment. The SH-60Fs
would be offered as Excess Defense Articles (grant EDA notification is
being submitted separately).
In the US Navy, the SH-60F is a utility and search and rescue
helicopter, with secondary submarine hunter capabilities via its dipping
sonar and sonobuoys. This distinguishes it from its SH-60B
Seahawk/LAMPS counterpart, which adds a maritime radar and surface
attack capabilities. Tunisia
is expected to use the helicopters for border/sea surveillance, search
and rescue, and utility duties. The country sits between Libya and
Algeria on the southern Mediterranean coast, right across from Italy, so
naval helicopters are very useful to them. Continue reading „SH-60F Seahawk Helis for Tunisia“
Posted in Border Control, English
By europolice on 12. Juli 2010
Detlef Schröder, Head of Programmes and Kate Armitage, Head of Administration
We are pleased to present the CEPOL Annual Report for 2009, the fourth annual report since CEPOL began operating as an agency of the European Union and the first as the two new Heads of Units.
2009 was a challenging year for CEPOL in many ways. The Lisbon Treaty and adoption of the Stockholm Programme both came into force during 2009 and had a huge influence on CEPOL’s planning.
The global economic climate undoubtedly had a knock-on effect on participation in CEPOL activities. Although the number of CEPOL activities has remained steady since 2007, we should be alerted to the fact that average participation and representation from Member States has fallen for the third year in a row. It is vital that CEPOL examines the quantity, quality and topics of its activities to ensure we are offering training opportunities of interest and relevance to police officers in Europe.
During 2009, CEPOL continued to formalise cooperation with key institutions. (pdf at
Posted in English, European Police, Europol, Software/ IT
By europolice on 12. Juli 2010
Vertreter der alten großen Koalition haben sich ablehnend
gegenüber einem Antrag (PDF-Datei)
der Linksfraktion im Bundestag geäußert, die umkämpfte Befugnis
für das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) zum Einsatz des Bundestrojaners wieder
zu streichen.
[] Das Instrument heimlicher Online-Durchsuchungen, von dem
die Wiesbadener Polizeibehörde bis Mai noch keinen
Gebrauch gemacht haben will, "ist auch weiterhin unverzichtbar",
erklärte Armin Schuster im Namen der CDU/CSU-Fraktion bei der 1. Lesung
des Vorstoßes der Linken am gestrigen Donnerstag laut den zu Protokoll
gegebenen Redebeiträgen. "Gerade beim internationalen Terrorismus
beobachten wir zunehmend, dass sich Personen modernster Technologien
bedienen, um nicht entdeckt zu werden", führte der Polizeidirektor
weiter aus. Mit einer Online-Durchsuchung sei es etwa möglich, auf Daten
vor einer Verschlüsselung zuzugreifen. Es wäre daher schlicht
"unverantwortlich, dem BKA bei der Bekämpfung des internationalen
Terrorismus diese Spezialbefugnis zu nehmen".
Der SPD-Innenpolitiker Frank Hofmann erklärte, es geb ihm zwar zu
denken, dass die Polizei hierzulande noch keinen verdeckten Zugriff auf
informationstechnische Systeme durchgeführt habe, diese Tatsache zeige
für ihn aber lediglich, "dass sehr sparsam und verantwortungsbewusst mit
diesem Instrument umgegangen wird". Das BKA sei "besonders sensibel",
wenn es "um schwerwiegende Grundrechtseingriffe" gehe. (weiter auf
Posted in BKA, European Police, Remote Forensic, Software/ IT
By europolice on 12. Juli 2010
Police forces risk being swamped by demands from foreign countries for DNA and other evidence under plans for a new Europe-wide investigation warrant.
By Rosa Prince
[] The Government has until the end of the month to decide whether to opt out of the scheme – which would give authorities in any country in the whole of the EU the power to order our police to produce evidence, or even interrogate or launch surveillance of suspects without their knowledge.
Civil liberties groups have warned that, for example, police investigating a fight at a nightclub in Spain could demand that British police take the DNA of anyone from this country who had travelled there at the time. (more on
Posted in English, European Police, Justiz
By europolice on 12. Juli 2010
Irish minister for justice Dermott Ahern has
confirmed that Dublin is seeking to block a new European Commission
initiative that would allow the free transfer of personal data on EU
citizens to Israel.
[] The minister’s statement over the weekend, reported in Israeli daily
Haaretz on Monday (12 July), follows recent media reports that Ireland
is concerned the data could be misused after eight fake Irish passports
were allegedly used by Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad in the
assassination of Hamas operative Mahmoud al-Mabhouh earlier this year.
As a result, Irish officials last week called for the
scrapping of commission plans to declare Israeli data protection
standards as being sufficient to allow the transfer of personal data. (more on
Posted in Datenbanken, English, European Police
By europolice on 12. Juli 2010
The president’s emergency funding request would pay for more Border Patrol agents, drones, National Guard troops and more.
[] The Obama administration formally asked Congress on Tuesday for $600 million in emergency funds to hire another 1,000 Border Patrol agents, acquire two drones and enhance security along the Southwest border.
The money would also pay for an additional 160 Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and extra Border Patrol canine teams, according to a senior White House official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly. In a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- San Francisco), President Obama said his request "responds to urgent and essential needs" and asked that it be considered an emergency. (more on
Posted in Border Control, English, European Police
By europolice on 11. Juli 2010
Irish government retaliates over use of forged Irish passports by alleged Mossad spies in Dubai assassination.
By Ora Coren
[] Ireland is seeking to stop a European Union initiative that would enable Israel to receive sensitive information about European citizens, due to concerns about the use that Israel would make of this information, the Irish minister for justice said over the weekend.
In what may be another blow to Israel’s international status, Dermott Ahern said that since Israel allegedly used forged Irish passports to carry out the hit on Hamas official Mohammed al-Mabhouh in Dubai, Israel should not be allowed access to this data. Israel has not admitted to a role in the assassination.
Under a plan put forward at the beginning of the year, the European organizations for protecting individuals‘ privacy agreed that Israeli companies and European companies should be able to exchange information about customers. (more on
Posted in Datenbanken, English, European Police, Software/ IT
By europolice on 11. Juli 2010
Europäische Union bekommt Auswärtigen Dienst. Klassische Entwicklungshilfe vermischt sich mit Kriegseinsätzen.
[] Ein Gespräch mit Tobias Pflüger
Tobias Pflüger ist Mitglied des Parteivorstandes der Linkspartei und aktiv in der Informationsstelle Militarisierung
Das EU-Parlament hat mit 549 zu 78 Stimmen der Einrichtung des »Europäischen Auswärtigen Dienstes« (EAD) unter Führung der Außenbeauftragten Catherine Ashton zugestimmt. Warum lehnt die Linkspartei diese Institution ab?
Mit dem EAD gibt es erstmals auf EU-Ebene eine Behörde mit etwa 8000 Mitarbeitern, die zusätzlich zu den diplomatischen Diensten der Mitgliedsstaaten aufgebaut wird. In ihr werden die Bereiche Auswärtiges, Militärpolitik und Entwicklungspolitik zusammengefaßt und vermischt. Die Verhandlungsführer des Europäischen Parlamentes sprechen von einem »kohärenten auswärtigen Dienst, der die Basis für eine durchsetzungsfähige und handlungsfähige EU auf globaler Ebene bietet.« (weiter auf
Posted in Militaer
By europolice on 11. Juli 2010
EveryOne Group and Habeshia, the Eritrean Refugee agency: “Forcing the refugees to carry out “socially useful labour” without any guarantee of asylum or dignified living conditions is a further unacceptable violation of their human rights.
Europe and Italy must take them in and grant them asylum. In the meantime we are asking for an inspection to be carried out by the United Nations or the Council of Europe to check that the Eritreans are being held in humanely acceptable conditions”.
[] On June 30th we received news from Habeshia that about 350 refugees (most of them Eritreans) were being transferred by truck from Mishratah prison to that of Al Braq. There were about 80 children among them. (more on
Posted in Border Control, English
By europolice on 11. Juli 2010
Die EU und die USA streben nach dem Swift-Abkommen weitere Vereinbarungen zum Datenaustausch an. Eine umfassendes Abkommen bis 2011 stehen.
[] Die EU-Kommission und die USA planen den Abschluss eines übergreifenden Abkommens zum Austausch von persönlichen Daten. Die neue Vereinbarung sollte den jüngst vom EU-Parlament verabschiedeten Vertrag zu Bankdaten umfassen, sagte EU-Vizepräsidentin Viviane Reding in Washington.
Auch eine bislang provisorische Vereinbarung zu Passagierdaten solle damit abgedeckt werden.
„Wir brauchen ein allgemeines Abkommen, dass heute wie morgen alle Formen des Datenaustausches umfasst“, erklärte sie. Damit sollten Terroristen und andere Verbrecher verfolgt werden können. Reding hatte sich zuvor mit der US-Heimatschutzministerin Janet Napolitano und dem Anti-Terror-Berater John Brennan getroffen. (weiter auf
Posted in Border Control, Datenbanken, European Police, Europol, Software/ IT
By europolice on 11. Juli 2010
[] The quarterly report by the Frontex Risk Analysis Network (FRAN) for the first three months of 2010 showed significant drops in all indicators of irregular migration at the external borders of the European Union. These lows continue a general decreasing trend already noticeable in 2009 and are attributed to reduced employment opportunities for irregular immigrants in the EU, combined with stricter migration and asylum policies in Member States and more effective co-operation with key countries of origin.
At approximately 14,200, detections of illegal external border crossings in the first three months of 2010 were down 36% on the fourth quarter of 2009 and 39% on the same period a year earlier. While detections at the Spanish and Italian sea borders became negligible, detections at the dominant Eastern Aegean Sea border between Greece and Turkey also fell by more than 60% to just under 2,300. Within this overall decreasing trend, a new pattern also emerged: Detections at the Greek-Turkish land border were for the first time greater than those at the countries’ sea border. Continue reading „Irregular immigration hits new low in first quarter 2010, facilitator detections up 13%“
Posted in Border Control, English
By europolice on 11. Juli 2010
Conference London 18th Sept, 2010
[] Drone Wars is a one day conference in London on September 18th to
explore the growing use of armed, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs),
otherwise known as drones. Armed drones are used by Britain, US and
others at great human cost and often in breach of humanitarian law. Used
in war and for targeted killings this technology is being used by the
UK with little public debate. Join other peace activists and researchers
to investigate how to down the drones.
Conference Programme and
registration details
You can subscribe to
our campaign items via WordPress or FeedBurner.
(Please note this is just the campaign items. We don’t publish our other
news items in RSS.)
Campaign Background
What was once the stuff of science fiction – remote controlled drones
dropping bombs onto targets thousands of miles away – is now taking
place on an almost daily basis. indeed it seems to have become the
preferred method of attack by US and British forces. However one aspect
of warfare has not changed. According to the Washington-based
think-tank, The Brooking Institution , for
every ‘militant’ killed in a drone strike at least 10 civilians also
aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, are small
remotely-piloted aircraft controlled from the ground or autonomously
following a pre-programmed mission. (more on
Posted in Drohnen, English, Militaer, Was tun?
By europolice on 11. Juli 2010
A boat carrying at
least 37 refugees, amongst them five dead, including two babies, was
rescued this afternoon off the coast of Motril (Granada) by the
Martitime Rescue Services and the Guardia Civil.
[] The boat was spotted around 4pm about 43 nautical miles to the south
of Motril by a Maritime Rescue aircraft doing a routine patrol of the
When the rescue services arrived they found the boat practically
underwater and it quickly capsized when one of the occupants stood up in the excitement of being rescued. This resulted in the
drowning of the two babies, along with three adults – two men and a
woman – who got trapped beneath the boat and were unable to swim out
from under it.
A member of the rescue team managed to save the life of a baby barely
a year old who fell into the water and an adult who almost drowned. Continue reading „Two babies dead in refugee boat rescue drama“
Posted in Border Control, English
By europolice on 9. Juli 2010

Uwe H. Sattler
Das künftige "EU-Außenministerium" könnte ein schwer beeinflussbares
und gefährliches Eigenleben entwickeln. Trotzdem gab das Europäische
Parlament grünes Licht für die Megabehörde
[] Die zelebrierte Einigkeit und Freude täuschte. Am Donnerstag war
wohl niemand so richtig glücklich im Europäischen Parlament. In ihrer
"Straßburg-Woche" hatten die Abgeordneten am französischen
Parlamentssitz die Pläne zum Aufbau eines "Europäischen Auswärtigen
Dienstes" (EAD) durchgewinkt.
Dass nicht wenige der Parlamentarier bei ihrem Votum Bauchschmerzen
hatten, lag wohl vor allem daran, dass sie damit trotz kleiner
Zugeständnisse durch die Regierungen praktisch ihre Kontrollrechte über
die neue Megabehörde aufgegeben haben. Weniger störten sich die
europäischen Volksvertreter am weitgehend offenen Mandat der Behörde und
der Vermischung ziviler und militärischer Aspekte.
Bis zu 8.000 Beschäftigte soll der EAD haben, über dessen Strukturen und
Kompetenzen die EU-Spitzendiplomaten und Regierungsvertreter monatelang
hinter verschlossenen Türen berieten. Die Personalstärke wurde in den
vergangenen Wochen oft dramatisiert. Allerdings werden im EAD künftig
viele der bereits existierenden Einrichtungen und Strukturen, die bei
Europäischer Kommission und EU-Ministerrat angesiedelt sind und
weitgehend unabhängig voneinander agieren, zusammengeführt. So wandern
beispielsweise die Generaldirektionen der EU-Kommission für
Außenbeziehungen und für humanitäre Hilfe vollständig in den EAD, ebenso
wie die EU-Vertretungen in mehr als 125 Ländern. (weiter auf
Posted in European Police, Militaer
By europolice on 9. Juli 2010
ESA and the European Maritime Safety Agency have signed a further Agreement to ensure that satellite data are available to enhance maritime safety and help combat pollution from shipping.
[] The Agreement was signed at ESA Headquarters in Paris on 2 July by ESA’s Director General, Jean-Jacques Dordain, and the Executive Director of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), Willem de Ruiter. This Agreement, which covers cooperation between the two agencies for the use of space-based systems and data in support of maritime activities, follows an earlier Agreement that expired in March this year.
The signing of the new Agreement further strengthens collaboration between ESA and EMSA for the development and use of space-based technologies with respect to keeping European seas safe.
The role of EMSA is to contribute to the enhancement of the overall maritime safety system within the European Union and support the implementation of European policy in the field of maritime safety and security. Continue reading „Agreement between ESA and EMSA furthers maritime safety“
Posted in Border Control, English, European Police, Space