Berlin: Let the European Security-Architecture crumble!

Diesen Aufruf in deutsch

Europe is not your friend.

The European Union is often underestimated – the radical left is no
exception. This despite the fact that far-reaching decisions are made
on the EU political level, decisions that should drive anybody with an
even remotely critical mindset onto the barricades.
The inhumane War on ‘illegal’ migration, the fight against crime, or
military disaster relief – all these issues are coordinated and
organised on the EU level. Critique has been rare and poorly received.
While the european border control institution ‘Frontex’ has come to be
well known, and the MEP’s “insubordinance” with regard to the SWIFT dealings might have been noticed, only a few people will likely have heard of INDECT or EuroDac. What is the Stockholm program? And why exactly are long-haired software developers part of the defense industry?

Every once in a while, when a new law – such as the german law on
data retention – is broadly criticized or even deemed unconstitutional
by the courts, the fingers are quickly pointed at the European Union.
The new legal guidelines are said to be dictated by Brussels, and said
guidelines must be implemented on the national level.
Hence, the logical conclusion would be to scrutinize EU politics more closely.

Aside from pushing it’s neo-liberal and neo-colonial economic agenda
down the world’s collective throats, the EU is also engaged in a
massive build-up of its domestic and foreign security apparatus to
cement its position as global player on all fronts: geostrategical and
economical, with regard to energy and resources on one hand, and
so-called “intellectual property” on the other.

Know your enemy.

The Stockholm program is the manifestation of both the EU’s
aggressive legal regulation practices and its technical armament.
Basically, it’s a 5-year-plan against freedom. Amongst many things, the
program’s intent is to outfit Frontex with its own infrastructure. On
top of all the equipment provided by Germany, Italy, Greece and others,
which is currently used by border patrols to hunt down refugees,
Frontex is to be equipped with its own boats, observation drones,
helicopters and various other military gadgets, and as soon as possible.
Within Europe’s borders, rearmament progresses equally quickly. The INDECT
project boosts law enforcment to a new level: software-based
risk/danger analyses are to help recognize criminal actions – before
they’ve even been committed. What might sound like science fiction is
referred to as “predictive analytics”, and is the hottest trend in
contemporary so-called security-research. The INDECT
project is to be fed with all kinds of available data that could
somehow prove promising, this includes footage from traffic and CCTV
cameras, activities in social networks such as facebook, bank dealings,
customer profiles and of course the massiva amounts of data already
held by police, attorney-generals and various intelligence agencies.
For easy access to this database new, complex software is being used,
capable of handling differing types of information.
This range of security policies serves the purpose of exerting ever
more control over the EU’s citizens, in order to facilitate and
intensify the efficiency at which its wageslaves can be exploited.

Europe’s security architecture didn’t appear out of nowhere, though,
it’s carried onwards on many a player’s shoulders: armament companies,
software developers, but also universities and research facilities on a
quest for EU funding and acclaim. It comes as no surprise that Germany
occupies leading positions in this field of research.

With multiple crises looming, there’s a fair amount of fear of
losing control over a potentially unruly population. Seeing as
capitalism won’t function without an endless cycle of crises and
recovery – not now, nor ever – and the costs incurred by said crises
will not be paid for by the ruling class (and especially not Europe’s
elite!), the only way forward is to pour yet more money and resources
into the perfection of their security and control apparatus.

..and Action!

The aim of our series of rallies is to both ask critical questions
of the European Union, and to highlight local hubs of Europe’s security
architecture, robbing them of their perceived anonymity. For too long,
the EU has been neglected in critical leftwing and radical discourse.
Our goal is to combine our international analysis with local action.
Our critical mass versus their critical infrastructure.
Shortly before the 1st of May – international labor day – we’ll use our
bicycles to pay a visit to the protagonists of the european police
congress, the military industrial complex, and political figureheads.
Because their war is a war against us – mobilize against the European

4:30 pm | embassy of the european union | U-Bahn-Station Brandenburger Tor
6:00 pm | SAP | Weinmeisterstraße/Rosenthaler Str.
7:00 pm | EADS | Potsdamer Platz

Out of Control Berlin

One response to “Berlin: Let the European Security-Architecture crumble!”

  1. ooc

    Aktionen gegen europäische Sicherheitsarchitekturen/ Warm up zum 1. Mai

    Ressort: Politik/ Berlin

    Kettenkundgebung gegen Europäische Sicherheitsarchitekturen

    Am Donnerstag, den 29.04.2010 finden in Berlin drei unmittelbar aufeinander folgende Kundgebungen gegen die militarisierte und zunehmend repressive Innen- und Außenpolitik der EU statt. Es wird dazu aufgerufen, die Mai-Schwäche der Polizei zu nutzen und mit Fahrrädern in Form einer Critical Mass zu den Akteuren des europäischen Krieges zu fahren.

    Es rufen auf: das revolutionäre 1. Mai Bündnis, Out of Control Berlin

    Im Kontext des revolutionären 1. Mai sollen sowohl die technische Aufrüstung der EU als auch die zahlreichen Initiativen zur Verrechtlichung neuer Repressionsinstrumente angegriffen werden. Die Verknüpfung von Militär, Polizei und Geheimdiensten, der irrsinnige Versuch, Verbrechen schon im Voraus zu erkennen, der Aufbau einer martialischen Armee zur „Sicherung“ der EU-Außengrenzen gegen Migranten – das alles verdient mehr als nur Protest. Stockholmer Programm, INDECT und Frontex sind nur der Anfang einer langen Reihe neuer Schlagwörter der Unterdrückung sozialer Bewegungen und der Missachtung von Menschenrechten.
    Vor der Europäischen Kommission am Brandenburger Tor, vor dem Rüstungsentwickler SAP am Hackeschen Markt, vor dem Kriegstreiber EADS am Potsdamer Platz und in ganz Berlin werden wir zeigen, dass diejenigen, die ihre Herrschaft heute sichern wollen, längst nicht alles unter Kontrolle haben. Auch wenn sie vorgeben, den „internationalen Terrorismus“ bekämpfen zu wollen und für „Freiheit, Sicherheit und Recht” zu sorgen: auch hier, im Herzen der Bestie, wird ihnen Widerstand entgegenschlagen.

    16:30 – Vertretung der europäischen Komission, Ecke Unter den Linden/Wilhelmstraße
    18:00 – SAP, Weinmeisterstr./Rosenthaler Straße
    19:00 – EADS, Potsdamer Platz
