Über Ost-Schweiz kreisen Drohnen
[vorarlberg.orf.at] In der Ost-Schweiz werden in den nächsten Wochen Drohnen zur Überwachung der Grenzregion eingesetzt. Durch die Kleinflugzeuge könne es zu kurzfristigen Lärmbelästigungen kommen. Zur Bekämpfung von Kriminalität Im Auftrag der Grenzwache führt die Schweizer Luftwaffe diese Drohnenflüge durch. Die unbemannten Kleinflugzeuge übermitteln Bilder, die bei der Bekämpfung der grenzüberschreitenden […]
Von Vicenza nach Lehnin
Internationale Polizeiübung 2010 [bundespolizei.de] Große Ereignisse werfen bekanntlich ihre Schatten voraus und so laufen bei der Bundesbereitschaftspolizei die Vorbereitungen für die Internationale Polizeiübung European Union Police Forces Training 2010, kurz EUPFT 2010, bereits auf Hochtouren. Nach Frankreich (2008) und Italien (2009) ist Deutschland diesmal Austragungsort für das traditionelle Treffen der bis zu 26 […]
FAA Approves Unmanned Aerial Vehicle To Patrol Border
By Daniel Baxter [avstop.com] Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Border, Maritime and Global Counterterrorism, announced that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has approved a Certification of Authorization (COA) for an unmanned aerial vehicle to patrol a portion of the U.S. Mexico border extending from Arizona to the El Paso region […]
Police chiefs of South-Eastern Europe to meet soon
GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN CROATIA [dalje.com] The General Assembly of the Association of Police Chiefs of South Eastern Europe (SEPCA), will be held in Opatija on Thursday and it will be attended by 40 police representatives from the region. Assembly expected to be held at the ‘Cetiri Opatijska Cvijeta’ hotel will be attended by police representatives […]
Anti FRONTEX Konferenz in Warschau
Anlässlich einer EU Konferenz und des "Tages des Grenzschutzes" in Warschau, beide von Frontex organisiert, werden am 22. Mai 2010 die EU-Grenz- schutzagentur, ihre Technologien, Überwachung und Steuerung thematisiert. [no-racism.net] Am 24. Mai 2010 werden Firmen und EU-Bürokrat_innen an der Konferenz und Ausstellung "Überwachungstechnologie zur Grenkontrolle" (Surveillance Technology for Border Control) teilnehmen, die von der […]
Video surveillance gets smarter with Sony in Verbania
[sourcesecurity.com] Verbania, the capital of the province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, was created when the towns of Intra and Pallanza merged. As one of the most idyllic and famous tourist destinations on Lake Maggiore, the town relies heavily on holidaymakers to fill its streets and generate income. The regular influx of visitors means greater attention must be […]
Too Much Information: Taming the UAV Data Explosion
[defenseindustrydaily.com] TMI! That’s what US military commanders are saying about the explosion of data being collected and processed (or not) by thousands of UAVs. Because UAVs provide valuable information, the US military has been asking for more and more of them to be sent to Iraq and Afghanistan. Be careful what you wish for. You […]
NATO summit in Strasbourg/France
[zki.dlr.de] On April 4 2009, the leaders of the 26 NATO countries met in Kehl and Strasbourg. Extensive security measures were being implemented in both cities. In the course of the ARGOS project, satellite images of both cities on that day were taken to provide examples for the possibilities and limitations of satellitebased analyses of […]
DLR Karten für den G8 Gipfel in Heiligendamm vom 6. bis 8. Juni, 2007
[zki.dlr.de] Vom 6. bis 8. Juni kamen die Staats- und Regierungschefs der G8-Staaten in Heiligendamm zu ihrem jährlichen Gipfeltreffen zusammen. Der Bereich um Heiligendamm war aus Sicherheitsgründen weiträumig abgesperrt und durch einen Sicherheitszaun abgegrenzt. Zahlreiche staatliche und nichtstaatliche Organisationen waren mit der logistischen Organisation und Sicherung sowohl der offiziellen Gipfelveranstaltung als auch der Protestaktionen betraut. […]
USA erwägt echte Militärschläge gegen Cyber-Angriffe
Manfred Kohlen Ein leitender Mitarbeiter des US-Verteidigungsministeriums bestätigte, dass Internet-Attacken gegen die USA zum tödlichen Gegenschlag in der echten Welt führen könnten. [theinquirer.de] »Ja, wir müssen über Antworten nachdenken, die nicht nur auf die virtuelle Welt bezogen sind«, erklärte James Miller; der den blumigen Titel » undersecretary of defense for policy« trägt, gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur […]
Police loading up on military technology
Markets emerge for law-enforcement applications of devices developed for combat use By William Maclean [vancouversun.com] Undercover police spot a suspected suicide bomber apparently about to attack a crowd: They alert a commander, explaining the evidence is inconclusive. Does the commander neutralize the threat by shooting dead a possibly innocent man, or go for an […]
How riot police learn to face an angry mob
Raymond Brown Riot police faced a howling mob hurling abuse and missiles as well as running “street battles” at a training centre near Huntingdon. [cambridge-news.co.uk] Cambridgeshire officers tackled the “angry crowds” in a bid to learn lessons after the death of a man during the G20 protests last year. Several scenarios were played out by […]
EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy – Discussion paper
COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Brussels, 10 May 2010 9685/10 LIMITE from: EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator to Council / European Council Subject: EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy – Discussion paper My last report on the implementation of the EU Counter Terrorism Strategy (15359/1/09) argued that it made sense to perform this exercise only once every year. Nevertheless, in […]
BKA hofft weiter auf Vorratsdatenspeicherung
Je beliebter das Netz wird, desto interessanter ist es für Kriminelle. Das BKA beobachtet diesen Trend und mit ihm neue Gefahren wie Handyviren oder drive-by-infections. Robert Schlesinger [zeit.de] Überraschend war es nicht, was Jörg Ziercke, Präsident des Bundeskriminalamts (BKA), am Mittwoch auf einer Konferenz zur IT-Sicherheit in Berlin zu sagen hatte: "In fast allen Kriminalitätsbereichen […]
Council conclusion-closer cooperation between ENISA & cyber crime bodies
[enisa.europa.eu] At the recent European Council the 26 April (concerning an Action Plan to implement the concerted strategy to combat cybercrime) the Council concluded, among other things to suggest, in the medium-term perspective "to promote relationships with European Agencies (EMSI, CEPOL, EUROJUST, EUROPOL, ENISA, etc.), international bodies (INTERPOL, ONU, etc.) or third countries on new technology subjects, […]
Adoption in Parliament’s committee of the draft regulation on GMES programme and its initial operations 2011–2013
[gmes.info] On 11 May 2010 the draft report on the Commission proposal for European Earth observation programme (GMES) and its initial operations 2011–2013 (COM(2009)0223) has been unanimously approved by the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), with MEP rapporteur Norbert Glante (S&D, Germany). The committees on Budgets (BUDG) and Environment (ENVI) gave […]
AW opens Libyan plant
[defenceweb.co.za] AgustaWestland has opened a helicopter assembly and maintenance factory in Libya in a joint venture with Tripoli at a cost of almost 18 million euros. The facility is at Abou Aisha airport, 60 km South of Tripoli and will be operated by the Libyan Italian Advanced Technology Company (LIATEC). AgustaWestland in a statement says […]
London „internet policy“ angers many
London, UK – London police started popping up signs in shops and internet shops around London warning people of accessing "extremist" material while online. [fromtheold.com] Like in the United States where just about anything from taking photos to joining a group that does not agree with government can land you in jail this poster does […]
Army Surpasses One Million Unmanned Flight Hours
[spacedaily.com] The Army’s one millionth Unmanned Aerial System flight hour marks a window in time through which to view a broader trajectory of explosive change and expansion – one in which the advent of UAVs in Iraq and Afghanistan have added more eyes to the fight, found and destroyed more enemies and saved more lives […]
Joint Report by EUROPOL, EUROJUST and FRONTEX on the State of Internal Security
EUROPOL, EUROJUST and FRONTEX To: Standing Committee on operational cooperation on internal security (COSI) No. prev. doc.: 8849/10 JAI 323 COSI 21 + COR 1 Subject: The Joint Report by EUROPOL, EUROJUST and FRONTEX on the State of Internal Security in the EU Organised crime is growing in scale and sophistication, responsible for sustaining a […]