Integrated Mobile Security Kit

The continuously evolving threat of unpredictable terrorist activity demands the innovative application of existing and developing technology for the protection of the EU’s citizens. The Integrated Mobile Security Kit (IMSK) project will combine technologies for area surveillance; checkpoint control; CBRNE detection and support for VIP protection into a mobile system for rapid deployment at venues and sites (hotels, sport/festival arenas, etc) which temporarily need enhanced security.

To succeed, the project will employ legacy and novel sensor technologies, design a system (IMSK) that will integrate sensor information to provide a common operational picture where information is fused into intelligence, perform a field demonstration to validate the concept, adapt the system to local security forces and finally disseminate the results after accreditation by end-users. The development of IMSK will be heavily founded on advice derived from operational security professionals.

The major key innovation introduced by IMSK is that all technological issues involved in the design implementation and integration of a complete technological information platform will be addressed. (not much more on