This is dedicated to all of our tender-hearted co-conspirators in this war against
civilization. We’ll meet in the shadows.

Every day we see new evidence of the State’s surveillance apparatus at work. Our cell phones are tracking devices; RFID chips threaten to make privacy impossible; surveillance cameras are on every street corner. Each new technological development brings with it a new encroachment into our lives and a new tool in the State’s arsenal of repression. With this techno-development increasing at an exponential rate, it is difficult not to feel lost, paranoid, or caged. We live in panopticon – even if the State’s eyes cannot be on us all at once, we can never be sure that we are not being watched at any given moment.

This psychic omnipresence, coupled with the very real evidence of the surveillance apparatus’s repression of agents of revolt, creates paralysis. The threat of handcuff, court room, and jail cell stay our hand.
It is impossible to ever have perfect security or foolproof anonymity.
The structure of the world as a massive prison prevents our movements from ever being invisible and our actions from ever being risk-free. Our situation is far from perfect – in fact, it is frightening – but if we allow the State’s surveillance to deter our revolt, we ensure the impossibility of a world free of domination. We can reject paranoia and employ strategic anonymity that seeks to interfere with surveillance and repression wherever possible. While we cannot become invisible, we can evade their eyes where it counts. (pdf at