Announcement to the society
We, the 300 migrants hunger strikers, we demand legalization of all migrants living and working in Greece and we declare the following: We, 300, took the initiative for that kind of struggle, without the intervention of political parties, organizations and individuals. We believe that the country that we live in is a democracy and as […]
Illegal immigrants in Greek seige
DOZENS of police in riot gear cordoned off streets overnight around Athens University’s Law School, which has been taken over by about 200 illegal immigrants who are holding a hunger strike to demand they be legalised. Under Greek law governing university asylum, police are barred from entering university or school campuses except under exceptional circumstances. […]

Call for Solidarity to the 300 Migrants Hunger Strikers in Greece
On January 25, 300 migrant workers went on hunger strike in Athens and Thessaloniki. Their main demand is to be legalized. At this moment, when the financial crisis has violently erupted and ultra-right political forces have come to the fore, this may sound as a maximalist demand. For this reason, we need to pay attention […]

Demonstration project on the Surveillance of the EU Sea Borders
The new year has seen the start, on January 1st, of the project PERSEUS („Protection of European seas and borders through the intelligent use of surveillance“), coordinated by INDRA Sistemas S.A (ES), with 29 partners, including the Spanish Guardia Civil, the French Minister of Interior, the Portuguese Air Force, the Hellenic Coast Guard and Minister […]
Griechenland: Aufruf der Vollversammlung der Hungerstreikenden
Wir sind Migrantinnen und Migranten aus ganz Griechenland. Wir kamen hierher, vertrieben von Armut, Arbeitslosigkeit, Kriegen, Diktaturen. Die multinationalen Konzerne des Westens und ihre politischen Handlanger in unseren Heimatländern haben uns keine andere Wahl gelassen, als -zig mal unser Leben zu riskieren, um an Europas Pforte zu gelangen. Der Westen, der unsere Länder ausplündert, mit […]
Air France lässt deutsche und französische Passagiere nach Aktion gegen eine Abschiebung festnehmen
Protest über den Wolken: Flugzeug muss aufgrund einer Abschiebung umdrehen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer einer Karawane von Mali zum Weltsozialforum 2011 und andere Passagiere protestierten am Donnerstag Nachmittag an Bord einer Air France Maschine gegen eine brutale Abschiebung. Auf Grund der Proteste wurde der Flug AF 3096 von Paris nach Bamako (Mali) abgebrochen und die Maschine […]

Confrontation against Frontex and head of European Council
On Jan. 17, on the 97th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, a conference on migration policy was held at the Kazimierowski Palace featuring keynote speakers Ilkka Laitinen, Executive Director of Frontex and former British Home Secretary Charles Clarke and attended by various Eurocrats and migrant hunters. Although we found out about this only at […]
ENTSICHERN CONGRESS in Berlin, 29-30 January 2011
Analyse, criticise, dismantle EU! A considerable part of all legislative and political decisions are currently made via the European Union. Expected resistance in the 27 member states is thwarted by this ”policy laundering” while the financially strongest governments furthermore dominate the course. At the same time the EU enlarge its powers through its own structures […]

Greece: More immigrant plans lined up
Floating prisons and old army camps may be used as reception centers; rally against fence organized Greece is considering using both floating prisons and old army bases to house undocumented migrants, the government has revealed as its idea of constructing a fence on the Greek-Turkish border to deter illegal immigration continues to attract criticism. Citizens’ […]
Napolitano circumspect on Israeli air tips for U.S.
By Dan Williams U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano played down on Tuesday prospects of adopting Israeli-style aviation security in response to protests at intrusive patdowns and screenings at American airports. Visiting Israel to assess its streamlined and sometimes controversial system, Napolitano defended her administration’s measures as appropriate to the scale and legal requirements of […]
Greece Comes Up with Sea-Based Immigrant Detention Centers
Greece’s Citizens‘ Protection Ministry has come up with the idea to use two ships as sea-based centers for detention of illegal immigrants as it is struggling with an influx of migrants through its land border with Turkey. Over the past week, Greece stirred a controversy in Europe by suggesting it might build a wall along […]

Bulgaria Ex-Interior Minister: Schengen Funds Stolen
A part of the funds intended for Bulgaria’s preparation to join the Schengen agreement has been stolen, according to the controversial former Interior Minister Rumen Petkov. Petkov pointed out that a total of EUR 160 M has been granted for Bulgaria in order to cover the Schengen criteria, of which EUR 30 M has been […]
Τhe greek government plans on building a fence
Τhe greek government plans on building a fence in evros, to stop the flows of migrants Christos Papoutsis (ministry of public order) revealed during an interview at Athenian-macedonian news agency. We have a complete plan that we are implementing in these days. Such as the cooperation with the European Agency Frontex. We are also planning […]
Army to work with Frontex?
Citizens’ Protection Minister Christos Papoutsis has told Kathimerini that he is considering mobilizing the armed forces to boost the efforts of the European Union’s border-monitoring agency Frontex to curb a relentless influx of illegal immigrants into Greece. In an interview with Kathimerini, Papoutsis said the possibility of armed forces personnel joining Greek police and Frontex […]

amnesty international: seeking safety, finding fear
Refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants in Libya and Malta Many thousand somalis flee their war-torn country every year in search of safety. for those who reach libya, indefinite detention, torture and other abuses await them. many then embark on perilous sea journeys towards europe. those who survive often end up in malta, where they face detention […]
entsichern kongress 29./30.1.2011
See http://outofcontrol.blogsport.de

Hermes operations week all through the European Union, 11 – 17 October
During the first phase of operation Hermes, statistical data on illegal immigration flows were gathered from the participating Member States, which revealed that it is quite problematic to gather and analyse data within our area of freedom of movement, as the Member States have no standardised method to collect and store this kind of information. […]
Italy-Libya sign agreement to fight illegal immigration by sea
Italy and Libya have signed a technical and operational protocol to fight illegal migration by sea, according to the Italian media. The agreement was signed by Italian Home Affairs Minister Roberto Maroni and Libyan minister Abdelfattah Younis Farag Al Obeidi. The two ministers reiterated the need for the European Union to allocate greater funding and […]
Frontex RABIT Deployment to Greece Extended Until March 2011
Frontex Executive Director Ilkka Laitinen signed a decision on December 3 authorising an extension of the Agency’s deployment of Rapid Border Intervention Teams (RABITs) to the Greek-Turkish land border. The RABIT deployment, initiated by a request on October 24 by Greece, was provisionally planned for two months’ duration from its initiation on November 2, 2010. […]

Migeurop: European borders – Controls, detention and deportations
2009/2010 Report Abbiamo fermato l’invasione: “We have stopped the invasion”, a Northern League poster boasted in March 2010 before the regional elections in Italy. The press could rejoice about seeing “Lampedusa returned to the fishermen”, since the identification and expulsion centre on the island, which had seen over 30,000 “illegals” disembark in 2008, and still […]