Über Ost-Schweiz kreisen Drohnen
[vorarlberg.orf.at] In der Ost-Schweiz werden in den nächsten Wochen Drohnen zur Überwachung der Grenzregion eingesetzt. Durch die Kleinflugzeuge könne es zu kurzfristigen Lärmbelästigungen kommen. Zur Bekämpfung von Kriminalität Im Auftrag der Grenzwache führt die Schweizer Luftwaffe diese Drohnenflüge durch. Die unbemannten Kleinflugzeuge übermitteln Bilder, die bei der Bekämpfung der grenzüberschreitenden […]
Von Vicenza nach Lehnin
Internationale Polizeiübung 2010 [bundespolizei.de] Große Ereignisse werfen bekanntlich ihre Schatten voraus und so laufen bei der Bundesbereitschaftspolizei die Vorbereitungen für die Internationale Polizeiübung European Union Police Forces Training 2010, kurz EUPFT 2010, bereits auf Hochtouren. Nach Frankreich (2008) und Italien (2009) ist Deutschland diesmal Austragungsort für das traditionelle Treffen der bis zu 26 […]
FAA Approves Unmanned Aerial Vehicle To Patrol Border
By Daniel Baxter [avstop.com] Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Border, Maritime and Global Counterterrorism, announced that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has approved a Certification of Authorization (COA) for an unmanned aerial vehicle to patrol a portion of the U.S. Mexico border extending from Arizona to the El Paso region […]
Too Much Information: Taming the UAV Data Explosion
[defenseindustrydaily.com] TMI! That’s what US military commanders are saying about the explosion of data being collected and processed (or not) by thousands of UAVs. Because UAVs provide valuable information, the US military has been asking for more and more of them to be sent to Iraq and Afghanistan. Be careful what you wish for. You […]
Police loading up on military technology
Markets emerge for law-enforcement applications of devices developed for combat use By William Maclean [vancouversun.com] Undercover police spot a suspected suicide bomber apparently about to attack a crowd: They alert a commander, explaining the evidence is inconclusive. Does the commander neutralize the threat by shooting dead a possibly innocent man, or go for an […]
Army Surpasses One Million Unmanned Flight Hours
[spacedaily.com] The Army’s one millionth Unmanned Aerial System flight hour marks a window in time through which to view a broader trajectory of explosive change and expansion – one in which the advent of UAVs in Iraq and Afghanistan have added more eyes to the fight, found and destroyed more enemies and saved more lives […]
Laser power beaming for UAVs
A Seattle-based R&D Company, LaserMotive has recently unveiled a strategy through which lasers can transmit power to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in flight, giving them potentially unlimited endurance aloft. [brahmand.com] The new system will supply unlimited power, extend UAV abilities and will also enable new missions, according to a news release by LaserMotive. The proposed […]
UAVs made in Punjab
GAJINDER SINGH Punjab — famous for its agriculture, textiles and bicycles — is now aiming for the sky. [telegraphindia.com] A private firm will supply unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the eyes in the sky to be used to track Maoists in inhospitable terrain, besides the familiar job of watching enemy movements across the border. Ludhiana’s Bhogal […]
Spezialeinheit trainiert den Einsatz von Drohnen
Von Rolf Ullmann [sz-online.de] Das summende Geräusch eines Flugzeugpropellers erfüllt die Luft über den Beobachtungsturm auf dem Truppenübungsplatz Oberlausitz. Mal leiser und dann unmittelbar über den Köpfen der Offiziere und Unteroffiziere, die hier Aufstellung genommen haben, zieht das Gefährt seinen vorher bestimmten und vom Erdboden aus gelenkten Kurs über dem Platz. Wer das Fluggerät während […]
Tausende Augen für kanadische Polizei
Matthias Monroy Laboratorium zur Entwicklung und Erprobung polizeilicher und militärischer "crowd control": der Doppel-Gipfel von G8 und G20 ruft Polizei, Militär und private Sicherheitsdienste auf den Plan Gipfelproteste und internationale Sportereignisse sind Laboratorien zur Entwicklung und Erprobung polizeilicher und militärischer "crowd control". Nach den olympischen Spielen wollen sich im Juni die G8 und G20 in […]
Meet ‘Robocopter’ the micro-UAV which provides CCTV footage of inaccessible or dangerous locations
A company run by a couple from Burn, near Selby, has become the first in the UK to be granted a licence to operate the German-made flying unit. [yorkpress.co.uk] The ground-breaking MRL Eye is a micro-UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) which provides CCTV footage of inaccessible or dangerous locations. The “spybot” is used by the military […]
Afghan surge strips UAVs from forces elsewhere
The U.S. military has sent so many of its 6,500 UAVs to the Middle East that other operating theaters are going without, says Marine Corps Brig. Gen. Glenn Walters, deputy director for resources and acquisition for the Pentagon’s Joint Staff. [airforcetimers.com] Walters said Pacific Command, Southern Command and Africa Command have requested more UAVs, but […]
Niedersachsen: Einsatz von Überwachungsdrohnen
[cop2cop.de] Innenminister Uwe Schünemann beantwortet die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Pia-Beate Zimmermann (LINKE); es gilt das gesprochene Wort! Die Abgeordnete hatte gefragt: Ende des Jahres 2008 hat das Niedersächsische Ministerium für Inneres, Sport und Integration eine sogenannte Überwachungsdrohne angeschafft, welche einige Hundert Meter hoch fliegen und unbemerkt Fotos und Videos machen kann. Laut Angaben des […]
Future UAVs must multitask, Air Force says
Next-generation drones, such as the MQ-X, will need to do more than gather intelligence and carry weapons By Amber Corrin [defensesystems.com] The Defense Department is reassessing its view of unmanned aerial vehicles – a key component of modern combat operations – and deciding what the military needs from UAVs beyond their traditional use as a […]
Report: CIA Using Micro-drones and Smaller Missiles
Sharon Weinberger Miniature drones and smaller missiles are now part of the CIA’s arsenal in its clandestine war aimed at killing al-Qaida and Taliban leaders in Pakistan, according to The Washington Post. [aolnews.com] In a recent drone attack in Pakistan, the CIA used a 35-pound bomb "probably no bigger than a violin case," the Post […]
Flying Robot from Canadian Company Aids Central American Drug Raid
The Aeryon Scout, a small man-packable flying robotic UAV system, manufactured by Aeryon Labs of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada gave law enforcement officers the break they needed in a recent drug bust in Central America. The reconnaissance photos taken allowed for a successful raid and subsequent conviction. [prweb.com] The Aeryon Scout, a small man-packable flying robotic […]
Army Tests Flying Robo-Sniper
By David Hambling Stopping the pirates of Somalia hasn’t been easy. But when the navies of the world have repelled or killed the hijackers, it’s often involved three elements: helicopters, drones and trained snipers. The U.S. Army is working on a weapon which combines all three. [wired.com] It’s called the Autonomous Rotorcraft Sniper System. It […]
Maker of unmanned aircraft hovers over new UAE deals
Ivan Gale Schiebel, the Austrian defence company, is seeking more contracts in the Middle East for its unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) after nearing the end of deliveries on its 60-aircraft deal with the UAE Armed Forces. [thenational.ae] The focus comes as military and national security planners around the world shift to unmanned systems to lower […]
Frontex, Acpo and the policing of Fortress Europe
[indymedia.org.uk] On 23rd March 2010, No Borders activists disrupted a high-profile conference about ‚policing the borders‘ that brought together Frontex, the UK Border Agency and senior police officers from various UK police forces [press release | video]. In their shock and dismay, some of the highly esteemed delegates left behind their welcome packs as they […]
UP homes in on UAV, others watch demo
The Uttar Pradesh Police are is the process of acquiring an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A committee headed by DGP Karamvir Singh has short-listed two companies, Mumbai-based Ideaforge and Bangalore- based Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab, for the deal. [indianexpress.com] On Wednesday, Honeywell presented a demonstration of its UAV, named T-MAV, in Chhattisgarh before officials from […]