Game Over! All fake blogs of french DCRI agent involved in Tarnac investigations
-Pseudonymes utilisés: „Rosa Luxembourg“, „Raphel Ilodet“, „Isoard est guéri“. -Mails utilisés: rosaluxembourg@hotmail.com, ingirum@hotmail.com, lesamisdelacommunedetarnac@gmail.com . -Comptes Scribd: http://fr.scribd.com/rosaluxembourg et http://fr.scribd.com/ingirum -Identifiant blogger -Adresse IP utilisée: -Ses contributions sur wikipedia sont consultables à cette adresse http://fr.wikichecker.com/user/?t= (cliquer sur ‚frequentely edited pages‘ en bas de l’écran). -Les plus férus d’informatique découvriront que de nombreuses images sur […]

Libya receives 30 French patrol boats, expects 25 more from South Korea
Written by Oscar Nkala/defenceWeb The Libyan Navy has taken delivery of 30 new semi-rigid-hulled inflatable fast patrol boats from French military boat maker Sillinger, the first batch of 50 ordered in January this year. According to the Libya Herald, the Libyan Special Naval Forces showcased seven of the new boats during a high-speed display at […]
Italy intends to buy helicopters through Frontex
The Polizia Stato has placed an order for two AW139 intermediate twin helicopters. The contract is partially funded by the EU FRONTEX programme aimed at supporting coordination and development of the European Union’s border management. Also included in the contract is a comprehensive support and training package for crews and maintenance personnel plus options for […]
Shocking testimony from the Police Station of Drapetsona
I feel totally obliged to speak about the things I witnessed with my very own eyes at the Police Station of Drapetsona, a close-to- the city- port neighborhood in Piraeus. I really have no idea of how I could possibly help my fellow men and so I expect each one of you to contribute to […]
Refugee Right’s Protest in Front of EU delegation in Tunis, Tunisia
Please spread this press release concerning the hungerstriking refugees in Tunisia: Refugee Right’s Protest in Front of EU delegation in Tunis, Tunisia Recognised refugees who fled the war in Libya are trapped in Tunisia. Although they have refugee status they have no rights and no protection. In one month the Choucha refugee camp is going […]

EU secret service to be reinforced?
Matthias Monroy The „solidarity clause“ regulates the use of police, secret service and military means in case of a crisis within the EU The EU Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy issued a proposal for the structuring of the so-called „solidarity clause” [1]. The document refers to article 222 of […]

French policing in times of austerity policy: Kärcher, statistics and Tarnac
French conditions? Lecture in Berlin, April 4 The right-wing populist security policy of Sarkozy has not only led to the tightening of criminal law and law concerning foreigners. Nationalist and racist tendencies have continued to stabilize. The reorganization of police forces is primarily characterized by centralization and finds its political expression in a further expansion […]
Over one hundred Algerians in Bulgaria not allowed to return to their country
March 20, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria Every day a large group of men stands in front of the Embassy of Algeria waiting for transit papers. These are just a few of the over 100 Algerian migrants who recently signed deportation papers in Bulgaria demanding voluntary return to their country. A fifth of them are likely to […]
Arab Spring: Euromed Police III organises training on forensic techniques and procedures
A total of 31 delegates from Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority and Tunisia attended a training seminar organised by the EU-funded Euromed Police III Project on “Forensic techniques and procedures” from 28 January to 1 March at the French National Police Academy in Saint-Cyr au Mont d’Or, near the French city […]

Call from Tunisia to all revolutionaries of the world!
Call World Social : The people want the fall of the system Texte in Arabic, French, English here: www.appelsm.wordpress.com World social forum : 26>30 march 2013. Tunis / Program and calendar here of the FSM: www.fsm2013.org Revolutionaries of the world, On the occasion of the World Social Forum which will be held in Tunisia during March 2013, […]

Forgotten in the Tunisian Desert?
Show your solidarity with the refugees from the Libyan war in Choucha camp! Two years ago, on 19th March 2011, a coalition, led by France, Great Britain and the USA, started bombing Libya, and on 31st March, NATO officially declared war against the Gaddafi regime. Hundreds of thousands of people had to flee Libya, among […]

in support of two No Border activists WEDNESDAY 20 MARCH 2013 Appeal trial of two activists ! Background : during the week of September 26 to October 1, 2010 was held a No Border camp in Brussels, the claims were No one is illegal Borders or nations Equal rights for all Freedom of movement and […]

Successful Flight Trials for Thales I-Master on Camcopter S-100
Thales’ I-Master radar system has successfully completed flight trials on-board a Schiebel Camcopter S-100 UAS (Unmanned Air System). The flight trials on Camcopter S-100 took place on 7 February 2013 at the Schiebel test facility in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The flights, each lasting several hours, successfully proved both sensor performance and the stability of data […]
Invitation to industry/researchers to showcase during the European Day for Border Guards
On 23 May 2013 Frontex will hold the annual European Day for Border Guards (ED4BG) in Warsaw. Inaugurated in 2010 to mark the fifth anniversary of Frontex, ED4BG presents Europe’s border-guard community with an opportunity to share experiences and best practice, as well as provides a forum for topical discussion, exchange of views between key […]

Anarchist threat modeling and private data-mining for intelligence (USA)
On 20 January, the independent surveillance researcher Asher Wolf tweeted an astonishing link* to a private intelligence corporation’s website containing a document entitled: “Tartan Influence Model: Anarchist Groups.” The document was published by a corporation called Tartan Metrics, a division of the information security, cyberwar and surveillance company NTREPID — a company that reportedly has […]

Überwachung der EU-Außengrenzen wird verstärkt – Waffenkonzerne profitieren
Von Apostolis Fotiadis und Claudio Ciobanu Die Europäische Union will ihre Außengrenzen noch stärker gegen illegale Einwanderer abschotten. Diese Strategie verhilft den großen Sicherheits- und Waffenunternehmen zu neuen Gewinnen. Die Europäische Agentur für die operative Zusammenarbeit an den Außengrenzen (Frontex) hat auf Anfrage bestätigt, dass sie Firmen dafür bezahlt, dass sie ihre Produkte nationalen Agenturen […]
Europol: „4×4“ intelligence handling codes includes „dodgy data“
The EU’s police office, Europol, is currently drawing up a report – the Serious Organised Crime Threat Assessment (SOCTA) – that will inform „political priorities, strategic goals and operational action plans“ from 2013 to 2017, as part of the EU Policy Cycle on serious and organised crime. However, documents outlining the way in which Europol […]
Getting answers from the police on undercover deployments „will be a long process“
Holding the police accountable for possible misconduct during undercover deployments „will be a long process“ and „take perseverance,“ according to Jenny Jones, the Deputy Chair of the London Assembly’s Police and Crime Committee. Jones has repeatedly questioned senior officers from the Metropolitan Police on undercover deployments, which received widespread attention in January 2011 following revelations […]

Infomobile: Providing Information with, on and for Refugees in Greece
An attempt of an overview: Where do we stand after almost three years The land border Evros, newcomers, refugee detention camps and the deaths and disappearances at the border… The islands of the Aegean contending for arrivals from Turkey again since August 2012… The ferry ports of Patras and Igoumenitsa as gates fenced with barbed […]

New worldwide „Center of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism“ in Dubai
On 14 December 2012, ministers and other senior officials from the 30 members of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) will inaugurate the first-ever international center of excellence for countering violent extremism (CVE), with its headquarters in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. At the September 2011 ministerial-level launch of the GCTF in New York, the United […]