Schengen Working Group Gives ‚Green Light‘ to Bulgaria
The Working Group on Schengen Matters (Sch-Eval) at the Council of EU has unanimously approved Tuesday the report on Bulgaria’s technical preparedness to join the borderless zone. The information was announced by the Bulgarian Ambassador at the European Union, Boyko Kotsev, cited by the BTA news agency. Kotsev explained the experts did not have any […]
Roma people: they are killing us in Hungary
by Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia – Chairman of Unión Romani Berlusconi prosecutes us and his police force destroys our barracks. Sarkozy deports us and drives us out of the country. But in Hungary they are killing us like vermin. Barcellona (Spain), May 3, 2011. The gypsy community’s situation in Hungary is extremely alarming. The extreme […]

New Photographic Evidence Shows that Icelandic Police Lied about their Dealings with Mark Kennedy
In January 20011, when the illegal covert actions of UK police in Icelandic jurisdiction hit the pages of the international media, the local police forces of the two Icelandic towns Seydisfjörður and Eskifjörður in Eastern Iceland issued a statement in response to queries from the Icelandic National Broadcaster (RUV). The Broadcaster asked if the Icelandic […]

EU-funded project to prompt intelligence-sharing
HONOR MAHONY The democratic uprisings in north Africa have exposed the limits of member states‘ on-the-ground knowledge of the region, but a project sponsored by EU money aims to get national intelligence agencies used to the idea of sharing information on everything from brewing conflicts to migration flows and terror threats. In an unassuming building […]

Europe’s ’single secure cyberspace‘ plan under attack
By Jennifer Baker European Union plans to „create a single secure cyberspace“ have come under fire from civil liberties groups, with many saying that they only serve to highlight how far the bloc still has to go in understanding the modern online world. In February, at a secret meeting of the Council of the European […]

Counterterrorism Software Helps Cops Shine Light Into Terrorism’s Dark Corners
BY Neal Ungerleider More than ever, law enforcement agencies are connecting to far flung sources of information in the fight against terrorism. Now Virginia’s i2 Group is offering police departments a new tool The company is launching an open-source database on worldwide group-based violence that gives local law agents access to a massive, searchable pool of […]
Turkic world should create own Schengen area, Turkish PM says
Turkic countries should create a visa-free travel zone to enhance connections and trade, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Tuesday following the signing of an agreement to lift visa restrictions between Turkey and Kyrgyzstan. “Turkish citizens will be able to visit Kyrgyzstan with their passports without a need for visas and vice versa. The trucks […]
Liberation Without Borders Tour – 13th of May, 2011: From Rebel Universities to the Tunisian Uprising
“I see too much injustice and so I decided to send this message even though the people told me that my end is death“ El Général Last 11th-13th of February, during the transnational meeting in Paris promoted and participated by hundreds of activists, groups and networks that are struggling against precarization, austerity policies and cuts […]

India: Cops to get a bird’s eye view with UAV
CHANDIGARH: Taking a step forwards modernisation, UT police have decided to purchase ‚ Golden Hawk ‚ an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) worth Rs 18 lakh to keep an eye on the city. The machine obtained on Wednesday from Defense Research Development Organization (DRDO) would be tested for four months. A successful demonstration was given by […]
The Europol Terrorism Situation and Trend Report 2011
Terrorism continues to pose a high threat to the security of the EU and its citizens and has become more diverse in its methods and impact. That is the conclusion of Europolls annual review of terrorism, presented today in the European Parliament by the agency’s Director, Rob Wainwright. Europol’s EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report […]
Italy angry as France blocks migrant trains
France shuts border to trains from Italy to stop north African migrants and political activists from entering country. France has shut its border to trains from Italy in an attempt to stop north African migrants and political activists from entering the country. The action drew a formal protest on Sunday from Rome and accusations it […]
Finnland: Border Guard upgrading surveillance technology on land border
The Finnish Border Guard is looking at options for new technology for the supervision of Finland’s land borders. The aim is to upgrade sensor technology and data systems by the end of 2013. Brigadier General Mikko Kirjavainen of the general staff of the Border Guard says that obsolete technology needs to be replaced. Monitoring equipment […]

EU Commission’s response to the migratory flows from North Africa
Recent events in North Africa have been a source of optimism for the democratic reforms taking place in many countries, most notably in Egypt and Tunisia, but also of grave concern in view of the violent conflict taking place in Libya and of the irregular migration flows originating from Tunisia. The conflict in Libya has […]

Future EU funding for Home Affairs policies within the next programming period
The European Commission brought together on 8 April 2011, representatives from Member States and EU institutions, as well as international organisations and civil society in order to debate over the future of funding in the field of Home Affairs for the next programming period. The Conference on „The Future of EU Funding for Home Affairs: […]

Bulgaria Camp for the Summer of 2011 Announced
Following the EU eastward expansion, countries like Bulgaria and Romania are progressively cracking down on those that try to cross their borders and rampantly working against freedom of movement. The Bulgarian government’s current target date for joining the Schengen agreement is 2012. The border control between Bulgaria and Turkey is cited as the biggest problem […]

Perseus Has Started
The European project Perseus, coordinated by Indra, to develop and test maritime surveillance systems in the UE for € 43.7 M has started. The new solution will integrate existing national and trans-national systems and will incorporate cutting-edge technologies, such as detection of small vessels and low flying targets The new common maritime information sharing environment […]

G-MOSAIC: recent activations
The EC-funded project G-MOSAIC (GMES services for Management of Operations, Situation Awareness and Intelligence for regional Crises) provides intelligence data that can be applied to early warning and crisis prevention, as well as to crisis management and rapid interventions in hot spots around the world. Recent activations of the project include for instance the illegal […]
UN says 400 African migrants feared drowned in Mediterranean
Boats that set out from Libya over a week ago have disappeared, says UN official More than 400 African migrants seeking to travel to Italy on two vessels are feared drowned after going missing days ago in the Mediterranean, a UN official hassaid. As Italy began the evacuation from Lampedusa of the 3,000 Tunisians who […]
Urgency of a moratorium on the expulsions to Tunisia, and for a worthy reception of Tunisian nationals in the EU !!
For the two last months, Tunisia has been highly pressured, notably by Italy, into the strengthening of its borders’ control and the readmission of its nationals landed in Lampedusa. Silvio Berlusconi’s visit, on this April 4th, aims at securing such commitments of the Tunisian government, and this in the spite of the many calls launched […]
Invitation to the Anti-Frontex Days in Warsaw
Shut down Frontex The Warsaw noborder collective RAS and the union of syndicalists of Poland ZSP invites you to a week of actions from 16th to 23rd of May 2011 against Frontex, the headquarters of which are located in Warsaw. Throughout the week starting on May 16th there will take place amongst others: screenings of […]