Rise of the “Blimps”: The US Army’s LEMV
The rise of modern terrorism, sharply increasing costs to recruit and equip professional soldiers, and issues of energy security, are forcing 2 imperatives on modern armies. Modern militaries need to be able to watch wide areas for very long periods of time. Not just minutes, or even hours any more, but days if necessary. The […]

European Parliament report confirms Statewatch-TNI findings on European Security Research Programme
A study commissioned by the European Parliament’s ‘Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs’ policy department has produced a damning indictment of the European Security Research Programme (ESRP), reiterating and confirming many of the findings in Statewatch and TNI’s earlier Neoconopticon report. The key findings of the European Parliament study are: (more on neoconopticon.wordpress.com)

Elbit Systems to Supply the Polish Ministry of National Defense With Multi-Sensor Monitoring and Surveillance Systems
The Systems will be Provided by a Consortium led by Elbit Systems and the Polish Military Communication Institute Elbit Systems Ltd. announced today that it was awarded a contract valued at approximately $16 million from the Polish Ministry of National Defense to supply mobile multi-sensor monitoring and surveillance systems for the Polish Army. The project […]

G20 police training exaggerated powers outside fence: files
Download „Document of training materials used by Waterloo police“ from toronto.mediacoop.ca as pdf Police trainers appear to have told officers at last June’s G20 summit in Toronto that special search and arrest powers extended far beyond the so-called five-metre zone the public was led to believe existed. Officers were told the entire “outer zone” around […]
Army to work with Frontex?
Citizens’ Protection Minister Christos Papoutsis has told Kathimerini that he is considering mobilizing the armed forces to boost the efforts of the European Union’s border-monitoring agency Frontex to curb a relentless influx of illegal immigrants into Greece. In an interview with Kathimerini, Papoutsis said the possibility of armed forces personnel joining Greek police and Frontex […]

amnesty international: seeking safety, finding fear
Refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants in Libya and Malta Many thousand somalis flee their war-torn country every year in search of safety. for those who reach libya, indefinite detention, torture and other abuses await them. many then embark on perilous sea journeys towards europe. those who survive often end up in malta, where they face detention […]

Ship Detection Service
Egbert Schwarz; Holger Maass; Susanne Lehner; Stephan Brusch German Aerospace Centre (DLR) German Remote Sensing Data Centre; Institute of Remote Sensing Technology The European Maritime Security Service, MARISS is the first phase of a pan-European activity of ESA (European Space Agency) under GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security). The objective of MARISS is the […]

Hermes operations week all through the European Union, 11 – 17 October
During the first phase of operation Hermes, statistical data on illegal immigration flows were gathered from the participating Member States, which revealed that it is quite problematic to gather and analyse data within our area of freedom of movement, as the Member States have no standardised method to collect and store this kind of information. […]

Police-state tactics against protesters in Britain
The repression of students, lecturers, school pupils and others protesting against the British Conservative-Liberal Democrat government is the worst seen in decades. Since the first protest of more than 50,000 students in London on November 10, ever larger squads of riot police have carried out increasingly violent assaults. Beatings and mass arrests of hundreds of […]

ANON OPS: A Press Release
December 10, 2010 Who is Anonymous In their most recent public statement, WikiLeaks is the only group of people to identify Anonymous correctly. Anonymous is not a group, but rather an Internet gathering. Both Anonymous and the media that is covering it are aware of the percieved dissent between individuals in the gathering. This does […]
Italy-Libya sign agreement to fight illegal immigration by sea
Italy and Libya have signed a technical and operational protocol to fight illegal migration by sea, according to the Italian media. The agreement was signed by Italian Home Affairs Minister Roberto Maroni and Libyan minister Abdelfattah Younis Farag Al Obeidi. The two ministers reiterated the need for the European Union to allocate greater funding and […]
UNODC and League of Arab States launch US $ 100 million five-year regional programme
Cairo/Vienna. 8 December 2010 (UNODC) – UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov and the Secretary General of the League of Arab States Mr. Amre Moussa today in Cairo officially launched a five-year Regional Programme on Drug Control, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Reform for the Arab States for the period 2011-2015. The programme will have three […]

Revised version of the European handbook on how to issue a European Arrest Warrant
Brussels, 7 December 2010 17195/10 from : Presidency to : Delegations Delegations will find in the Annex the text of the European handbook on how to issue a European Arrest Warrant revised accordingly to these Council Conclusions. The aim of this publication is to provide guidelines for the adoption of good practice in the light […]
Frontex RABIT Deployment to Greece Extended Until March 2011
Frontex Executive Director Ilkka Laitinen signed a decision on December 3 authorising an extension of the Agency’s deployment of Rapid Border Intervention Teams (RABITs) to the Greek-Turkish land border. The RABIT deployment, initiated by a request on October 24 by Greece, was provisionally planned for two months’ duration from its initiation on November 2, 2010. […]

CEPOL and Turkey Sign Cooperation Agreement
European Police College and the Turkish National Police Institute today signed a cooperation agreement at the Turkish Delegation to the European Union (EU) in Brussels which underlines the importance of law enforcement training in the framework of the overall European approach to security and in the context of EU enlargement. The cooperation agreement was signed […]

Migeurop: European borders – Controls, detention and deportations
2009/2010 Report Abbiamo fermato l’invasione: “We have stopped the invasion”, a Northern League poster boasted in March 2010 before the regional elections in Italy. The press could rejoice about seeing “Lampedusa returned to the fishermen”, since the identification and expulsion centre on the island, which had seen over 30,000 “illegals” disembark in 2008, and still […]

GMES and Africa – making development sustainable
Achieving sustained progress towards development goals in Africa involves careful analysis of environmental changes as well as of the long-term impact of human activities. The GMES programme provides the ideal framework to carry out this type of analysis in a systematic way. The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES), an initiative of the European […]

3051st Council meeting Justice and Home Affairs
Main results of the Council Home affairs ministers adopted negotiation directives for PNR agreements with Australia, Canada and the United States of America. This allows the Commission to start negotiating with these three countries. Further discussions on the fight against terrorism focused on: – the EU counter-terrorism coordinator’s latest report and discussion paper, – the […]
Supercomputer hunts child abusers
With the help of their 1.8 petaflop supercomputer, Jaguar, researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee are sifting through internet traffic in search of suspicions patterns that will lead police to the perpetrators of child pornography. In standard police work, checking a suspect’s hard drive will show whether they have been downloading illegal […]

EURO 2012 safety and security
Experts from the Standing Committee on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches (T-RV) paid a two-day visit to Poland. They talked to Polish organizers of EURO 2012 about the safety and security of the tournament. The delegation also watched a friendly match between Poland and Ivory Coast in […]