Aktivist in Großbritannien als Bulle enttarnt

Eine paar kurze Notizen über diesen Fall:

Am 21.10. wurde in Großbritannien ein langjähriger Aktivist als Polizist enttarnt. Er hat auch außerhalb der UK viele Kontakte zu radikalen Bewegungen gehabt, unter anderem nach Berlin.

Es handelt sich um Mark „Stone“, auch „Flash“ genannt. Sein richtiger Name ist Mark Kennedy. Er war nach eigenen Angaben von 2000 bis Ende 2009 als Polizist tätig und gleichzeitig als Aktivist stark aktiv. Auch vor dem Jahr 2000 war er bei der britischen Polizei tätig, deshalb handelt es sich bei ihm nicht um einen üblichen „Informant“ oder angeworbenen „Spitzel“, sondern um einen Polizist in Reinnatur.

Mark engagierte sich in vielen Bereichen der autonomen Bewegung: von Earth First!, zu Tierrechtsaktionen, Klima-Camps, Freiräume, Antifa usw. Er reiste gerne durch Europa, beteiligte sich an zum Beispiel an Gipfelprotesten und pflegte europaweite Kontakte. In Deutschland war er vor allem in Berlin zwischen 2005 und 2010 gerne zu Gast gewesen. Continue reading „Aktivist in Großbritannien als Bulle enttarnt“

Gemauschel bei Polizeiprojekten?

Helmut Lorscheid

Die Innenminister des Bundes und der Länder befassen sich derzeit mit einer Modernisierung ihrer Datenverarbeitung

Knapp zehn Jahre nach dem Desaster von Inpol-Neu und nach einer Phase von vergaberechtlich eher zweifelhaften Entscheidungen oft zugunsten einer einzelnen Firma, entwickelt sich möglicherweise ein neues Chaos bei wichtigen Bund-Länder-Systemen für die deutsche Polizei. (weiter auf heise.de)


Qualitative Education
Qualitative Thinking

Strategy Proposal

Our ability to meet new security challenges in the field of justice and home affairs and to tackle the threat of transnational crime will in many ways determine the future of Europe.
The dynamism of EU agencies (Europol, FRONTEX, and EUROJUST) invites CEPOL to keep abreast with them and support their crime fighting efforts.
The enforcement of the Lisbon Treaty (LT) and the commencement of the Stockholm Program  (SP) action plan are additional determining triggers for innovation through CEPOL. The coming years will be marked by increasing expectations of European police education in the evolving arena of international law enforcement cooperation. (more on register.consilium.europa.eu)

Europol soll Datenberge an die USA liefern

Die USA und die EU arbeiten an einer Architektur zum umfassenden Austausch von Informationen über Islamisten, Extremisten, aber auch militante Tierschützer. Deutschland spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entstehung des „europäischen Superhirns“.

Erst wenige Monate ist es her, dass die EU ein Abkommen zur Übermittlung von Bankdaten an die USA vereinbart hat. Nun streben amerikanische Ermittler Zugriff auf Daten europäischer Sicherheitsbehörden an. (weiter auf fr-online.de )

“Standardization + Privacy = Everyone Wins”

Law enforcement agencies across the U.S. receive thousands of reports a day on suspicious activity. But how do these agencies determine what information is related to terrorism, or for that matter, even related to a crime? More importantly, how do we identify the critical pieces of information in a way that protects the privacy, civil rights and civil liberties of individuals?

The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative (NSI) has created a common approach for gathering, documenting, processing, analyzing, and sharing information about terrorism-related suspicious activities. (more on http://www.ise.gov/Blog/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=95)

Solidarity with arrested in Belgium, attack on police station

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On Friday the 1st of October, near the South station, a lively demonstration against deportation camps, prisons, borders and the State was to take place. This same State was not pleased with the initiative, and besieged the neighbourhood. The police controlled, searched and arrested a big number of people around the station; in Anderlecht, a popular neighbourhood nearby, police with machine guns patrolled on strategic places and several anti-riot squads were to protect the 2 prisons of Brussels, in Forest and Saint-Gilles. In half of Brussels territory a prohibition to gather more than 5 people was announced, enforced by civil and riot police. A few hours after the demonstration should have taken place, dozens of people attacked the police station of the Marolles, a few blocks away from the South station. The police station and numerous police cars were destroyed, two policemen were injured. Four people were arrested in the surroundings some time after and are now accused of this attack. They are locked up in the prison of Forest, awaiting trial. Continue reading „Solidarity with arrested in Belgium, attack on police station“

Greece and the Commission agree to enhance cooperation on reforming the Greek asylum system

Joint statement by Mr Christos Papoutsis, Minister of Citizen Protection of Greece and Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner in charge of Home Affairs: Greece and the Commission agree to enhance cooperation on reforming the Greek asylum system

  • The Minister of Citizen Protection Mr Christos Papoutsis and the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ms Cecilia Malmström met in Athens on 27 September to discuss ways to assist Greece in its efforts to reform the Greek asylum system.
  • They acknowledge the unprecedented pressure on the Greek asylum and migration management system, which is a result of large number of persons from third countries entering Greek territory both as irregular migrants and as asylum seekers, due to its geographical position at the EU external borders. Greece underlines the additional burden as a result of the implementation of the Dublin II Regulation. In the framework of a common European migration and asylum policy, the challenges faced by Greece have to be commonly addressed by the European Union as a whole.
  • Continue reading „Greece and the Commission agree to enhance cooperation on reforming the Greek asylum system“

Terrorliste ohne PKK?

Europäische Anwälte und Juristen fordern die Streichung der kurdischen PKK von der EU-Terrorliste. Taliban wurden bereits von einer ähnlichen Liste heruntergenommen

Auf einer Pressekonferenz in Brüssel haben Anwalts- und Juristenorganisationen aus 16 Ländern heute die Kampagne „Europäische Juristinnen und Juristen fordern die Streichung der PKK von der EU-Terrorliste“ vorgestellt. Ihre Einordnung als „Terrororganisation“ sei rechtlich und politisch falsch. Die Europäische Union hatte die PKK 2002 als „terroristisch“ eingestuft und fortan in ihrer halbjährlich aktualisierten „Terrorliste“ aufgeführt. Diese Entscheidung ist seitdem umstritten.

2008 hatte das Europäische Gericht in Luxemburg beschlossen, dass sowohl die Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans wie auch der Volkskongresses Kurdistan Kongra-Gel wieder von der „EU-Terrorliste“ gestrichen werden müssten, da ihre Aufnahme nicht ausreichend begründet worden wäre. Trotzdem hält die EU an einer weiteren Nennung fest. Für die Betroffenen bedeutet das die Sperrung von Konten und die Unterbindung jeglicher Geschäftsbeziehungen (Zivile Todesstrafe). (weiter auf heise.de)

Meeting of Liaison Officers of the European Union, held in Bogota

from: Presidency
to: Delegations

Subject: Conclusions of the meeting of Liaison Officers of the European Union, held in Bogota, Colombia, 23-24 March 2010

As provided for in the Spanish Presidency’s agenda, the first meeting of Liaison Officers from the EU Member States for the LAC region was held in Bogota, Colombia, on 23 and 24 March 2010. The meeting was divided into two parts: a first part, which took place behind closed doors on 23 March, and a second part on 24 March, attended by all the participants from the first day, as well as the Colombian police authorities (National Police, DAS, DIJIN, representatives from the Public Prosecutor’s Office, and officials from US agencies (DEA) and international bodies (EUROPOL and Interpol). (pdf at register.consilium.europa.eu)

Sats Spot 3 Miles of NATO Supply Trucks Bottlenecked in Pakistan

Katie Drummond

Pakistan’s 10-day blockade against NATO convoys has ended, but a new video released by a commercial satellite company shows just how massive the consequences were: a sprawling, three-mile bottleneck of oil tankers and supply trucks, some parked in a dry riverbed, waiting to cross the Torkham border pass into Afghanistan.

The images were snapped by satellites operated by DigitalGlobe. The company’s sats offer footage for NASA and the Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, along with Google Earth and Google Maps. (more on wired.com)

Albanien: Treffen von Justiz, Polizei und Nationalbanken aus 20 europäischen Staaten

Das Bayerische Landeskriminalamt (LKA) setzt auch in diesem Jahr die Bemühungen zum Schutz des Euro in Kooperation mit dem Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung der Europäischen Kommission (OLAF) fort. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Albanischen Generalstaatsanwaltschaft und Polizei wird die 8. Fachtagung „Euro Süd-Ost“ in diesem Jahr vom 18. bis 22. Oktober in Tirana/Albanien stattfinden. An der Tagung nehmen neben den Fachleuten von Justiz, Polizei und Nationalbanken aus 20 europäischen Staaten (Griechenland, Zypern, Österreich, Deutschland, Italien, Malta, Tschechische Republik, Slowakische Republik, Ungarn, Slowenien, Kroatien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Rumänien, Albanien, Montenegro, (EJR) Mazedonien, Kosovo, Moldau und Türkei) auch Vertreter von Europol, Eurojust, der Europäischen Kommission (OLAF), der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) und des Bayerischen Staatsministerium des Innern teil. Continue reading „Albanien: Treffen von Justiz, Polizei und Nationalbanken aus 20 europäischen Staaten“

Draft Council Conclusions on the creation and implementation of a EU policy cycle

From: General Secretariat of the Council

Subject: Draft Council Conclusions on the creation and implementation of a EU policy cycle for organised and serious international crime

Based on its „Harmony“ project – „A generic European Crime Intelligence Model – Bringing together the existing instruments and strenghtening Europol’s central role“, the Presidency proposed to the Standing Committee on operational cooperation on internal security (COSI) on 7 September 2010 to agree upon the concept of the EU policy cycle for organised and serious international crime as well as the different steps needed to fully implement it. (pdf on register.consilium.europa.eu)

Afghan Elite Police Moving To Ingelligence-Based Policing

A class of 20 students from Afghan National Civil Order Police’s (ANCOP) 1st Reconnaissance Brigade and the General Directorate of Intelligence Training and Education Department graduated from the Basic Police Intelligence Course – the first time the revised 60-hour course has been taught. Graduation was Oct. 13, 2010.

This course supports the Afghan National Police strategic priority to “implement Intelligence Led Policing.” A core component of intelligence led policing is the development of trained intelligence personnel who lead operations driven by reliable intelligence.

Over the past two months, a combined NTM-A/CSTC-A, EUPOL, and MPRI team of advisors devoted over five weeks to developing a Basic Police Intelligence Course in concert with ANCOP leadership. Continue reading „Afghan Elite Police Moving To Ingelligence-Based Policing“

South Korean police ready to secure G-20 summit


SEOUL, South Korea — South Korean police will go on high alert and mobilize a record 50,000 officers to thwart possible threats from North Korea, international terrorists and anti-globalization demonstrators during a summit of world leaders in Seoul next month, the national police commissioner said Monday.

South Korea this year is hosting a series of meetings by the Group of 20 leading advanced and emerging economies that will culminate in a gathering of leaders on Nov. 11-12 set to be attended by leaders including President Barack Obama, Germany’s Angela Merkel and China’s Hu Jintao.

The event carries great prestige in South Korea, which will be the first non-Group of Seven country as well as the first nation in Asia to host a G-20 summit. (more on forbes.com)

Belgium: Police could be armed with Tasers

Debate follows fatal shooting in Antwerp province

The government is to look into the possibility of arming police with the electronic weapons known as Tasers, following the fatal shooting of a 25-year-old man by police in Putte.

Interior minister Annemie Turtelboom last week agreed that the question would be examined after a request from police representatives and from the local police committee of the Brussels West zone, which had requested permission to issue Tasers to its officers. Continue reading „Belgium: Police could be armed with Tasers“

„Ein bundesweiter Imageschaden, der uns alle schmerzt.“

Als „Kinderschänder“ beschimpft zu werden haben wir nicht verdient

Ich finde es unerträglich, wie sie von S-21-Gegnern beleidigt, bespuckt, angepöbelt und angegriffen werden. Dies ist des Rechtsstaats unwürdig und geht so nicht. Um jeden Käfer sorgen sich die Demonstranten im Park liebevoll, aber Menschen in Uniform werden wie Dreck behandelt!

Ich danke allen Polizisten, die dort für uns im Einsatz sind. (pdf mit noch mehr Imageschaden auf gdp.de)

Streit um ‚Menschen-Suchmaschine‘ Indect

Fördert die EU die „totale Überwachung“?

Das EU-Forschungsprojekt Indect weckt Ängste vor einem Überwachungsstaat, wie ihn sich Orson Wells in seinem Roman „1984“ nicht schlimmer hätte ausmalen können. EU-Abgeordnete fordern nun Klarheit. Der FDP-Rechtsexperte Alexander Alvaro will von der Kommission wissen, „wie sie genau gedenkt, solch eine Technologie einzusetzen“.

„Es scheint als würde die Kommission die totale Überwachung in europäischen Städten finanzieren – das Indect-Projekt soll anscheinend jederzeit und überall das Aufspüren von Menschen ermöglichen“, erklärte Alexander Alvaro, innenpolitischer Sprecher der FDP im EU-Parlament, am Freitag. (weiter auf euractiv.de)

Libya buys coastal monitoring system

A US$28 million radar system will cover the entire Libyan coast, detect small boats used by illegal immigrants.

Libya agreed last night to pay Irish-based company ‚Transas Marine‘ about US$28 million for a sophisticated radar system to monitor its vast coastline for illegal migrants and outbreaks of pollution.

„The system will cover the entire Libyan coast,“ which stretches almost 2,000 kilometres (1,240 miles), Transas Marine said after a contract-signing ceremony in Tripoli.

„Libya will have a system that is one of the most modern and efficient in the world“ and „even detect small boats used by illegal immigrants,“ Christopher Loiz, head of the company’s French unit, said.

Transas Marine hoped to complete within 16 months the installation of the system of 15 monitoring stations, which Loiz said cost more than 20 million euros (28 million dollars). Continue reading „Libya buys coastal monitoring system“

‚No realistic prospect‘ of charges over G20 death

There is still „no realistic prospect“ of pressing charges against police constable Simon Harwood over the death of Ian Tomlinson at the London G20 protests, the Director of Public Prosecutions has said after reviewing the decision in light of the suspension of pathologist Dr Freddy Patel.

Pc Harwood was told earlier this year he would not be charged with any offence after he was caught on camera striking the 47-year-old with his baton and pushing him to the ground in the City on April 1 last year during the G20 protests. (more on google.com)

G8 seeks Sahel anti-terrorism progress at Mali meet

By Tiemoko Diallo Tiemoko Diallo

BAMAKO (Reuters) – Security experts from G8 nations met in Mali Wednesday to try to improve anti-terrorism coordination in Africa’s Sahel zone, but the absence of Algerian officials underscored the lack of unity in the region.

Al Qaeda-linked fighters in the desert zone have raised their profile over the past year, stepping up attacks on local armies and making millions of dollars from ransom payments for hostages. They are currently holding seven foreign hostages taken from a mining town in Niger last month.

„Our desire is to focus on regional cooperation and encourage regional approaches,“ Virginie Saint-Louis, Canada’s ambassador to Mali, said at the opening ceremony of the G8 meeting, also attended by officials from Switzerland, Spain, the European Union and Australia.

Canada is leading the meeting, which has set up an action group for fighting terrorism, known as GACT. The body intends to help information-sharing and improve training in the region. Continue reading „G8 seeks Sahel anti-terrorism progress at Mali meet“