Undercover officer spied on green activists
Guardian investigation reveals details of PC Mark Kennedy’s infiltration of dozens of protest groups Rob Evans and Paul Lewis A police officer who for seven years lived deep undercover at the heart of the environmental protest movement, travelling to 22 countries gleaning information and playing a frontline role in some of the most high-profile confrontations, […]

EU-Überwachungsforschung außer Kontrolle
Die EU finanziert die Entwicklung von Überwachungs- und Kontrolltechnologien mit 1,4 Milliarden Euro, darunter das berüchtigte Projekt INDECT („Intelligentes Informationssystem zur Unterstützung von Überwachung, Suche und Entdeckung für die Sicherheit von Bürgern in städtischer Umgebung“). Mit EU-Mitteln entwickelt werden selbst Technologien, deren Einsatz illegal wäre. In welche Projekte Gelder fließen, entscheiden Beamte und Industrievertreter im […]

Projekt „Hiros“: Bund will kein Geld für Spionage-Satelliten geben
Die Bundesregierung will das Projekt eines deutsch-amerikanischen Spionage-Satelliten nun doch nicht unterstützen. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen soll die notwendige dreistellige Millionensumme für das Projekt namens „Hiros“ nicht fließen. Das erspart Ärger mit Frankreich. Hamburg/Berlin – Die Entscheidung, dass die Regierung das Projekt „Hiros“ (High Resolution Optical System) nicht unterstützen will, sei bereits im vorigen Sommer gefallen, heißt […]

Greece: More immigrant plans lined up
Floating prisons and old army camps may be used as reception centers; rally against fence organized Greece is considering using both floating prisons and old army bases to house undocumented migrants, the government has revealed as its idea of constructing a fence on the Greek-Turkish border to deter illegal immigration continues to attract criticism. Citizens’ […]
Napolitano circumspect on Israeli air tips for U.S.
By Dan Williams U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano played down on Tuesday prospects of adopting Israeli-style aviation security in response to protests at intrusive patdowns and screenings at American airports. Visiting Israel to assess its streamlined and sometimes controversial system, Napolitano defended her administration’s measures as appropriate to the scale and legal requirements of […]
Greece Comes Up with Sea-Based Immigrant Detention Centers
Greece’s Citizens‘ Protection Ministry has come up with the idea to use two ships as sea-based centers for detention of illegal immigrants as it is struggling with an influx of migrants through its land border with Turkey. Over the past week, Greece stirred a controversy in Europe by suggesting it might build a wall along […]
EU-Kommission: Neue Anti-Piraterie-Maßnahmen geplant
Die EU-Kommission möchte den Kampf gegen Urheberrechtsverletzungen und Piraterie im Internet verschärfen. Internetserviceprovider, Suchmaschinen und Webhosting-Anbieter sollen zukünftig stärker eingebunden werden, um „wirkungsvollere Mittel“ gegen Online-Piraterie zu finden. Ende Dezember hat die EU-Kommission einen Bericht (pdf) bezüglich der Richtlinie vom 29. April 2004 zur Durchsetzung der Rechte des geistigen Eigentums (pdf) vorgelegt. In dem 10-seitigen […]

Bulgaria Ex-Interior Minister: Schengen Funds Stolen
A part of the funds intended for Bulgaria’s preparation to join the Schengen agreement has been stolen, according to the controversial former Interior Minister Rumen Petkov. Petkov pointed out that a total of EUR 160 M has been granted for Bulgaria in order to cover the Schengen criteria, of which EUR 30 M has been […]
US and Germany in joint spy satellite project: cable
The United States and Germany are jointly developing secret spy satellites under the guise of a commercial programme despite opposition from France, leaked US diplomatic cables showed Monday. The project, named HiROS, envisions the construction of an undetermined number of high-resolution observation satellites capable of spotting any object on the planet down to a size […]
Τhe greek government plans on building a fence
Τhe greek government plans on building a fence in evros, to stop the flows of migrants Christos Papoutsis (ministry of public order) revealed during an interview at Athenian-macedonian news agency. We have a complete plan that we are implementing in these days. Such as the cooperation with the European Agency Frontex. We are also planning […]