TFTP-Report: EU-Commission
Commission report on the joint review of the implementation of the Agreement between the European Union and the United States of America on the processing and transfer of Financial Messaging data from the European Union to the United States for the purposes of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program In accordance with its Article 13, the […]

Final report and recommendations of Project Group „Measure 6“
COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 7942/11 from: BE delegation to: JHA Counsellors / COSI Support Group In the context of the 29 measures for reinforcing the protection of external borders and combating illegal immigration (6975/10), the Project Group on Measure 6 has produced its final report. The objective of this Project Group „Measure 6“ is: […]

Europol Chief Sees New Roles for Agency
By STEPHEN FIDLER THE HAGUE, the Netherlands—The director of Europol, the agency coordinating the work of police forces across Europe, says that the European Union needs to address weaknesses in the way it tracks terrorist finances—and that his agency is well placed to address them. Rob Wainwright, who since April 2009 has run the agency […]

First London Securities attacked in solidarity with Bahrainis
Last night in Mayfair, activists attacked the offices of the multinational investment bank, First London Securities plc, damaging several of its windows. This target was singled out for having recently acquired Bahrain Capital International plc. It was attacked by ordinary people in the UK acting in solidarity with the Bahraini people in their struggle for […]

A call to a week of common actions to defend the Khimki hostages from the 2nd to the 9th of April 2011
We call everyone, who is not indifferent, in different cities and countries to show solidarity with persecuted brothers Denis and Maxim Solopov, and Alexey Gaskarov. They became hostages in the course of the unbelievable story with the Khimki forest, a story of confrontation between civil society in today’s Russia and a soulless junta of avaricious […]
NATO nations deepen cooperation on intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
In the spirit of “smart defence”, nine Nations have launched at the end of February a five-year project that will significantly boost the Alliance’s ability to tackle new challenges such as piracy by rapidly sharing imagery and other information from intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets. Under the agreement, technology that is currently being successfully used […]
Belgian court sentences activists for EU protest
VALENTINA POP A Belgian court on Thursday (17 March) handed down a one-month suspended jail sentence and fines of €1,100 to each of ten Greenpeace activists for having duped security and staged a protest during an EU summit in 2009. The protest was staged as a „warning to EU leaders“ a few days ahead of […]

Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media
Military’s ’sock puppet‘ software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda Nick Fielding and Ian Cobain The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda. A Californian corporation has been […]

Eni loads oil from western Libya -sources
By Jonathan Saul and Jessica Donati Italian oil firm Eni (ENI.MI) is loading a tanker with Libyan crude in what could become the first shipment since sanctions and fighting virtually paralised its oil industry, trade and shipping sources said on Thursday. Western countries, the European Union and United Nations have imposed sanctions on Libya and […]

Opening Frontex Partnership Academy at Schiphol Airport (NL)
On 17th of March 2011 the Border Security Training Centre was opened at the Royal Military Police at Schiphol Airport. This training institute provides courses and training in the field of border security for staff working in the border area of the Netherlands or elsewhere in the Schengen area. The training of the Border Security […]

Bulgaria: New detention centre for refugees opens in Lyubimets
A new detention facility for refugees will be opened on March 15 in Lyubimets by Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov, Dnevnik daily reported. The facility is part of Bulgaria’s preparation to enter the European Schengen zone, the report said. The centre is designed to accommodate a potential immigrant wave coming from Turkey. This will serve in […]
Palermo 7 marzo 2011 The crisis in Libya is increasing tension in the Mediterranean. Several Italian, German, British and American war ships are headed towards Libya. At the same time in Sicily, Italian and U.S. military bases of Sigonella (CT), Augusta (Sr), Niscemi (Cl) and Birgi (Tp) were put in early warning ready to host […]

EU migration control: made by Gaddafi?
Gregor Noll and Mariagiulia Giuffré Amongst observers to the unravelling of the authoritarian government in Libya, there is a far-reaching consensus that a government that uses indiscriminate lethal force to retain power is, as the diplomatic phrasebook has it, “unacceptable”. Yet, over the past six years, it has been perfectly acceptable for EU governments to […]

For the record: what the police will know about you
Val Swain looks at how the police are set to grab even more ‚intelligence‘ data For the past six years a secretive, unaccountable, publicly-funded yet privately-run organisation has collected, collated and analysed vast amounts of personal data relating to political activists, organisers and protesters. By next summer, the £8 million-a-year operation run by the National Coordinator […]

Call on the European Union for a support intervention in the Mediterranean area
While major political changes, heralding the end of the authoritarian regimes, are processing in the south of the Mediterranean area, governments and instances in the European union are especially concerned about how to protect themselves from “uncontrollable migration flows” potentially brought about by these upheavals. Experts and diplomatic services, which were unable to see the […]

UA: The Authorities Have Taken Another Hostage in the Khimki
Denis Solopov, who took part in the action outside the Khimki town hall on July 28, 2010, to protest the lawlessness of local authorities and the clear-cutting of the Khimki Forest, has been detained in Kyiv by local police. The arrest took place on March 2, 2011, at the Kyiv Migration Service. Ukrainian authorities had […]

Final Report „Harmony“: EU Policy Cycle 2011 – 2017
During the last years quite a few initiatives have been taken in the fi eld of JHA cooperation, but their implementation has not been developed enough. This chapter explains the core ideas behind project Harmony. Over the last decade, a lot of initiatives have been undertaken at the European level to improve the fi ght […]
Collective statement from some individuals affected by recent infiltrations
A group of people involved in radical action around the environment and other social struggles who have been involved with and been affected by recent exposes of infiltrators have come together to create a joint statement on how the issue has evolved and been represented in the media. We are issuing this statement in solidarity […]

G6 Interior Ministers in Poland
Friday the 4th of February was the last meeting day of the Interior Ministers of the largest EU Member States, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security , and Attorney General of the United States. The participants discussed security in cyberspace and antiterrorist information policy. The guest who visited Kraków at the invitation of Jerzy Miller, […]

Activists in Bologna invade in detention center
On the 1st march 2011 (migrants‘ strike day), activist in Bologna showed their solidarity to the people in Via Mattei’s detention centre. Immediately their was a reaction from inside. The people started with protests and burned matresses and tryed to get out. The activists from TPO social center manage to reach the Identification and Expulsion […]