Charleston Police aim to reduce crime using IBM Predictive Analytics
New Pilot Program to Help City Improve Public Safety, Reduce Costs and get the right information into the hands of the officers that need it most The Charleston Police Department (CPD) in South Carolina is working with IBM to assist the city’s more than 400 police officers to more accurately evaluate and forecast crime patterns. […]
Europol boosts its reach, scope and information-gathering
The 2011 annual report of Europol makes clear that the agency, whose work is not subject to European or national parliamentary scrutiny, is significantly increasing the scope of its activities, its geographical reach, and its information-gathering, exchange and analysis. [1] The report, submitted to the Council of the European Union on 15 May, states that […]
![Appello per una mobilitazione internazionale in solidarietà ai condannati per gli scontri di Genova 2001 [it-en-es]](https://euro-police.noblogs.org/files/2010/08/010720_genova_polizia-150x150.jpg)
Appello per una mobilitazione internazionale in solidarietà ai condannati per gli scontri di Genova 2001 [it-en-es]
[presto anche in francese e tedesco] Appello per una mobilitazione internazionale in solidarietà ai condannati per gli scontri di Genova 2001 Il 13 Luglio si terrà, presso la Corte di Cassazione di Roma, l’ultimo grado di giudizio del processo contro 10 tra compagne e compagni condannati per aver partecipato agli scontri avvenuti a Genova, nel […]

A new kind of barbarism: the ‘non-people’ of Patras
In his latest column, Matt Carr looks at the brutal persecution of undocumented migrants in the Greek port-city of Patras, a continuum of violence that spans militarised law enforcement, the policing of protest, immigration control and the battlefields of the „war on terror“‚. By Matt Carr I have just read a copy of the so-far […]
General Report on Europol’s activities in 2011
„A new version of the EIS was developed in 2011. The most important feature is the hit/no-hit search possibility for Designated Competent Authorities. This is the first time that access to the EIS can be granted beyond the Member States’ Europol National Units to frontline law enforcement officers.“ (p.21) and „A significant improvement was also […]

Freedom for the imprisoned anarchists in Istanbul/Turkey!
International day of solidarity – June 12th, 2012 On May 14th 60 people who participated in the Mayday parade in Istanbul were arrested and their homes searched. They are accused of „damaging public property in the name of a terrorist organization“, because during the parade a couple of banks were damaged. Nine of them are […]

Ghana To Provide Electronic Surveillance Of Coastline
Ghana is implementing a vessel traffic management and information system (VTMIS) to provide electronic surveillance and monitoring of the entire coast of the country. This is to prevent potential risk of piracy and armed robbery on the high seas. The system, according to the Deputy Minister of Transport, Ms Dzifa A. Attivor, was to serve […]
Former Spy Telescope May Explore Secrets of Dark Energy
By DENNIS OVERBYE The phone call came like a bolt out of the blue, so to speak, in January 2011. On the other end of the line was someone from the National Reconnaissance Office, which operates the nation’s fleet of spy satellites. They had some spare, unused “hardware” to get rid of. Was NASA interested? […]
Top police chiefs have met at Europol to discuss how to deliver effective policing with fewer resources – an issue faced by most forces due to austerity measures in the current global economic crisis. Discussions took place during the 2012 European Police Chiefs’ Convention at Europol’s headquarters in The Hague on 30 and 31 May, […]

Brussels readies plans to reinstate border checks
The EU executive is considering allowing member states to reinstate some border controls, its president said on Sunday (1 May), responding to demands for more national power to stem immigration. The announcement lent momentum to a campaign by France and Italy to reimpose some of the border checks, abolished in 1995 under the Schengen agreement, […]
Frontex: Greece needs assistance to combat illegal immigration
Greece needs assistance as it can not combat alone the inflow of illegal immigrants said Frontex executive director Ilka Laitinen in response to a relevant request by ND European Parliament deputy Giorgos Papanikolaou. Frontex chief agreed with the Greek Eurodeputy that Turkey’s refusal to cooperate is a tough blow to efforts to combat illegal immigration. […]

Next Week: ISSWorld Europe Intelligence Support Systems for Lawful Interception, Criminal Investigations and Intelligence Gathering
Lead Sponsor: trovicor ISS World Europe is the world’s largest gathering of European Law Enforcement, Intelligence and Homeland Security Analysts as well as Telecom Operators responsible for Lawful Interception, Hi-Tech Electronic Surveillance and Network Intelligence Gathering. ISS World Programs present the methodologies and tools for Law Enforcement, Public Safety and Government Intelligence Communities in the […]
Trojan targets Iranian and Syrian dissidents via proxy tool
Web users in Iran and Syria aiming to circumvent censorship controls are being targeted with spyware, according to security researchers. A team at the University of Toronto said installation software for the popular proxy tool Simurgh also implanted keylogging spyware. Simurgh is designed to anonymise net use and allow access to blocked sites. However, an […]
NO CCTV!-Aktionstage 08.-10.06.2012
Um verschiedene Formen von Überwachung, Kontrolle und Diskriminierung im öffentlichen Raum sichtbar zu machen, rufen wir vom 08-10.06.2012 zu internationalen NO CCTV!-Aktionstagen auf! Der öffentliche Raum ist kein homogener Raum, sondern setzt sich aus vielen heterogenen Bereichen zusammen. Diese Räume haben alle individuelle Charakteristika, welche sich aus ihrer Nutzung bestimmen oder eben von dieser bestimmt […]

International callout for solidarity with Montreal social unrest and the student rioters (Canada)
325 receives and transmits: “You can cut down all of the flowers but you cannot stop the spring” – Poster circulating around the strike THE LAWS On Friday, May 18, 2012, two new laws came into effect in Montreal. Their purpose is to stifle the anti-capitalist revolt that has emerged from the student strike that […]

Police tactics kept crowds off balance
Practice helped cops frustrate those intent on violence For four days, and nearly around the clock, Chicago police guided, cajoled and blockaded roaming groups of NATO protesters, following a set of strategic goals that laid the foundation for everything they did. Keep protesters from damaging property or hurting anyone; keep any trouble south of the […]

Bulgarian resources dominate Greek border assistance
By Nikolaj Nielsen Bulgaria has devoted vastly bigger resources than Germany to help Greece manage its irregular migrant problem. An internal document sent by the Danish EU presidency to the EU Council in late April – and seen by EUobserver – outlines how individual member states participate in the so called Poseidon operation run by […]

Arrested Protester Charges Mistreatment After Police Raid Apartment
Lawyers Deny Group Was Plotting To Make Molotov Cocktails, Only Beer As dignitaries arrive for the NATO Summit in Chicago, protesters and police are making news for an arrest controversy earlier this week in Bridgeport. For the first time, as CBS 2’s Pam Zekman reports, one of the nine protesters scooped up by police in […]
Greece struggling to manage asylum seekers
Nearly 30,000 irregular border crossings were detected on Europe’s external borders in the last three months of 2011, the European Commission said on Wednesday (16 May). Citizens from all other EU candidate countries, except Turkey, can travel up to three-months without a visa in the EU (Photo: sleepymyf) In its first annual report on the […]

Death of 63 migrants in the Mediterranean: Complaint in France holds the French military to account
One year after events that led to the deaths of 63 migrants in a boat in the waters off the coast of Libya, 4 survivors, with the support of a coalition of NGOs, filed a complaint in France concerning the responsibility of the French military for failing to assist persons in danger. In March 2011, […]