London, Ont. police turn to social media to find rioters
London, Ont. police expect to make more arrests after a mob of some 1,000 people torched a TV news van and pelted officers with bricks and beer bottles during a Saturday night riot. Eleven people, seven of them Fanshawe College students, were arrested after a St. Patrick’s Day party in the city’s east end turned […]

Anti-Frontex Days: Stand up against Euro Apartheid!
Throughout May and June of this year, Warsaw is to become the exhibition center of European apartheid. During these months, as Euro 2012 fans take in the international atmosphere of the tournament in beer parks specially set up for them around the city, Frontex, headquartered in Warsaw at 1, United Nations Plaza will celebrate its […]
Abschiebungen innerhalb Europas stoppen! – Dublin 2 kippen!
Kundgebung am Flughafen Berlin-Tegel am 30.03.2012 um 17:00 Uhr Und zur gleichen Zeit Demonstrationen in den Flughäfen München, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt und Hamburg Fast 7200 Flüchtlinge wurden 2011 aus Deutschland in ihre (vermeintlichen) Herkunftsstaaten abgeschoben. Zusätzlich wurden aber auch rund 2900 Abschiebungen innerhalb Europas durchgeführt – so wurden beispielsweise Bürgerkriegsflüchtlinge aus Somalia nach Italien, oder afghanische […]
Arad camp (Romania) : „We are in hell“
detainees stories collected by Migreurop on the 08/03/2012 « We need help, we are more than fifty detainees in the Arad detention centre, Romania. We are asylum seekers and they put us in detention Some have been here for a month, others for 7, 8, 9 months. We are a group of men and one […]
INTERPOL a key partner for a secure Europe, says EU Commissioner Malmström
EU-INTERPOL ties already securing borders and preventing crime LYON, France – A secure Europe needs global law enforcement support, with INTERPOL a key partner in meeting security challenges, European Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström told police chiefs at the closing of the INTERPOL Heads of National Central Bureaus conference. Addressing the 270 senior police […]
Russia to Build Mini Drone for Vietnam
Russian warplane maker Irkut has signed a contract with Vietnam to build a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for the Southeast Asian country, Izvestia daily reported on Thursday. The $10 million deal, with Vietnam Aerospace Association (VASA), was signed on Wednesday, Yury Malov, head of the Irkut Engineering, Irkut’s subsidiary, told Izvestia. The firm will […]

The Use of Drones for Nonviolent Civil Resistance
In my previous blog post on the use of drones for human rights, I also advocated for the use of drones to support nonviolent civil resistance efforts. Obviously, like the use of any technology in such contexts, doing so presents both new opportunities and obvious dangers. In this blog post, I consider the use of […]

Drohnenmetropole Wiener Neustadt
Weltweit sind bereits Hunderte Helikopterdrohnen der Firma Schiebel im Einsatz. Die modernste Drohne der Luftwaffe Israels, der „Dominator II“, wird ebenfalls in Wiener Neustadt gebaut und dann in Israel aufgerüstet. Vergangene Woche hatte die US-Luftfahrtbehörde FAA die Einrichtung von mindestens sechs zivilen Basen für unbemannte Flieger angekündigt. Rundum werden auch Flugkorridore durch den zivilen Luftraum […]
EU ist zu Verhandlungen mit Belarus über Erleichterung der Visaordnung und Rückübernahmeabkommen bereit
Die EU ist zu Verhandlungen mit Belarus über Erleichterung der Visaordnung und Rückübernahmeabkommen bereit, teilte man in der Vertretung der Europäischen Union in Minsk mit. Der EU-Rat bevollmächtigte die Europäische Kommission zu Verhandlungen mit Belarus über Unterzeichnung der Visa- und Rückübernahmeabkommen. Darüber beschloss man auf der Sitzung des Rates für Verkehr, Telekommunikationen und Energie. Das […]
Saab Sponsors Border Surveillance Conference in Brasilia
Saab is one of the main sponsors of the 2nd edition Border Surveillance Conference in Brasilia and is participating with speakers on common operating picture for Border safeguarding. Border Safeguarding is constantly challenged by the ever-changing threats of the 21st century and is vital to providing a strong defense against external threats such as international […]

Fake YouTube Site Targets Syrian Activists With Malware
Last week, EFF reported on two instances of pro-Syrian-government malware targeting Syrian activists through links sent in chats and emails. This week, we’ve seen new Windows malware dropped by a fake YouTube site hosting Syrian opposition videos. Below is a screenshot of the fake YouTube page, which attacks users in two ways: it requires to […]
Did Mark Kennedy make a mystery trip to New York for the FBI?
What was the undercover officer doing in New York in 2008? He claims to have worked for the FBI – did you encounter him? Was Mark Kennedy, the infamous police spy who infiltrated political activists in Europe, also an FBI agent? And can you help us work out what he was doing in New York? […]
India: Telecom operators wash their hands off Blackberry-encryption controversy
Trisha Thomas Despite raising a hullabaloo over getting access to blackberry encrypted messages for the last three years, the government is yet to get the ability to check such messages, it said on Wednesday. While it was assumed that it now has the capacity to ’screen‘ all communications going in and out of India, the […]
Tupper-Party mit Trojanern auch in Kanada, USA und Israel
Matthias Monroy In zahlreichen internationalen Veranstaltungen trägt das Bundeskriminalamt seine Erfahrungen mit staatlich genutzter Spionagesoftware vor. Auch der britische Trojaner-Hersteller Gamma durfte sich präsentieren Der Austausch zwischen deutschen und ausländischen Behörden zur Nutzung staatlicher Trojaner-Programme ist weit umfangreicher als bisher bekannt. Dies geht aus der Antwort des Parlamentarischen Staatssekretärs Ole Schröder auf eine neue Parlamentarische […]

‚See Me‘ satellites may help ground forces
The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency says it will research a system to let soldiers overseas access near-live satellite images of their location. Current satellites cannot provide such information as they are in the wrong orbits and are difficult for troops on the ground to access, experts said. DARPA’s SeeMe program (Space Enabled Effects […]

ACPO Manual of Guidance Public Order
Standards, Tactics, and Training Manual March 2004 The purpose of this Manual is to provide guidance on the tactics and standards approved by the Association of Chief Police Officers in relation to the discipline referred to ordinarily as ‘Public Order’. It is essentially the tactical complement to ACPO’s strategic document ‘Keeping the Peace’. As with […]
Olympics 2012 security: welcome to lockdown London
London 2012 will see the UK’s biggest mobilisation of military and security forces since the second world war and the effects will linger long after the athletes have left Stephen Graham As a metaphor for the London Olympics, it could hardly be more stark. The much-derided „Wenlock“ Olympic mascot is now available in London Olympic […]
Exclusive: Body scanners to screen visitors at London Live sites
Louise Ridley Body and bag scanners will screen visitors at London Live events during the Olympics, in airport-style safety checks that organisers say could take up to an hour. The tight security will be in place at the Hyde Park and Victoria Park sites which will broadcast Olympic Games coverage on big screens and hold […]
Common responses to current challenges by Member States most affected by secondary mixed migration flows
Brussels, 9 March 2012 7431/12 NOTE from: the Belgian, the French, the German, The Netherlands, the Austrian, the Swedish and the UK delegations The Ministers responsible for migration of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom, with the Danish EU Presidency as observer, met in Brussels on 7 March 2012 to […]
Global policing at a strategic crossroads, says INTERPOL
Cybercrime highlighted as key security threat at international police chiefs meeting LYON, France – Senior police officials from around the world are meeting at INTERPOL’s eighth Heads of National Central Bureaus (NCBs) conference to focus on strategic initiatives against the global policing challenges faced by its 190 member countries. The three-day (13-15 March) conference gathering […]