Massive New Surveillance Program Uncovered by Wall Street Journal
By Ryan Gallagher When a former senior White House official describes a nationwide surveillance effort as “breathtaking,” you know civil liberties activists are preparing for a fight. The Wall Street Journal reported today that the little-known National Counterterrorism Center, based in an unmarked building in McLean, Va., has been granted sweeping new authority to store […]

Europol supports cooperation between Austria and Hungary against migration
With the support of Europol, 16 operations against facilitated illegal immigration networks have been carried out by Austrian and Hungary authorities in the last 14 months, and 439 facilitators have been arrested. In September 2011 Austria and Hungary launched a joint reponse to the significant increase of illegal immigration into their countries by establishing Project […]
Europol made use of „Passenger Risk Indicators“ (PRIs)
With the support of Airpol and Europol, law enforcement authorities from 15 countries have carried out a two-day successful cross-border action covering 28 European airports. Operation ‘Goodeye’ made use of Passenger Risk Indicators (PRIs) to detect couriers of illicit commodities hiding amongst the vast numbers of outgoing passengers that leave European airports on a daily […]
U.N. Report Reveals International Protocol for Tracking People Online
By Ryan Gallagher In the shadowy world of electronic surveillance, tactics used by law enforcement agencies are rarely revealed. But now an international protocol about how to best monitor and track people online has been disclosed for the first time—offering a unique insight into covert police methodology. Buried in a recent 158-page U.N. report on […]

Athens Anarchist Anti-Fascist Motorcycle Club
As of June 2012 the far right/neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn is officially represented in the Greek Parliament with support from the local media. As we have seen throughout history, in times of “economic” crisis, far-right ideologies tend to increase their influence dramatically. The number of attacks on immigrants is rising every week, fuelled by the […]

Oakland chief filtered out Occupy e-mail
Matthai Kuruvila People who’ve e-mailed Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan over the past year about Occupy Oakland probably didn’t get much of a response. That’s because he used a spam filter to dismiss messages sent to him with „Occupy Oakland“ in the subject line, according to a federal court filing Monday. Same goes for the […]

Temporal Analytics: Turning Protest Noise Into Intelligence
By Brand Niemann „If people do not emit or discuss their behavior, it’s hard to find out what they are going to do,“ declared Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper, speaking recently at the huge annual conference of intelligence professionals called Geoint. The U.S., he made clear, did not have tactical warning of the Benghazi […]

Europol, Italy and Germany targetted escape helpers in Greece as „smugglers“ of migrants
„In cooperation with Europol the Italian judicial authorities and the police authorities in Greece and Germany have successfully dismantled a major international criminal network involved in the smuggling of Iraqi and Kurdish migrants into the EU. Operation Iskandar was started in 2008, under the coordination of the Anti-mafia District Prosecutor’s Office in Trento, and has […]

Most U.S. Drones Openly Broadcast Secret Video Feeds
By Noah Shachtman and David Axe Four years after discovering that militants were tapping into drone video feeds, the U.S. military still hasn’t secured the transmissions of more than half of its fleet of Predator and Reaper drones, Danger Room has learned. The majority of the aircraft still broadcast their classified video streams “in the […]
LawTech Europe Congress Latest Top Tier Sponsors
Highly recognized legal industry service providers worldwide become global sponsors of LawTech Europe Congress 2012. Orlando,Florida (PRWEB) October 25, 2012 Today LawTech Europe Congress names additional world-renowned legal organizations as their sponsors for this year’s event being held in Prague in November. Leading electronic discovery, forensic and legal technology experts will share their overall inquest […]

Police violence – ‚Hypocrisy‘ of police violence in Nobel-winning EU
by Niall Couper A study into the way austerity protests have been policed reveals a bleak picture of human rights in the EU that jars with the award of the Nobel Peace Prize, says Amnesty Over the last couple of weeks, European Union leaders have been basking in the glow of their recent Nobel Peace […]

UK: Crimestoppers, Facewatch and ACPO form strategic partnership
Crimestoppers, Facewatch and the Association of Chief Police officers (ACPO) announced today that they have agreed to work in partnership with a focus on sharing technology and improving the tools available for crime reduction initiatives. [24 October 2012] Facewatch was founded in March 2010 and is the only police approved system for businesses wishing to […]
[AUS] Facebook asked to close undercover cop page
Victoria Police has complained to Facebook, saying a page dedicated to exposing the state’s undercover police cars is putting officers and operations at risk. The page has more than 12,500 followers and has dozens of photos and comments revealing the number-plates of unmarked police cars. A News Limited report says Facebook has refused a police […]

The VOICE und Plataforma Berlin – Racist Police Brutality Hinders Democracy in Germany
The police once again showed it’s real face, as the defender of totalitarian regimes rather than what they are constantly claimed to be, namely the “protector of the people”. The VOICE BERLIN and Plataforma Berlin protests the violent treatment of its activists and the activists of the Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants […]
Poland: Mass hunger strike at Immigration Detention Centres
73 people detained at Immigration Detentions Centres in Bialystok, Biala Podlaska, Przemysl and Leszowola decided on beginning a hunger strike together. It is not the first protest of detained refugees, but for the first time information about a strike reaches the public. In the past, strikers had been put in isolation and punished in various […]

NL: Call out and announcement of a day of action at detention and deportation centers
The No Border Network, founded in the Netherlands in June, calls for a nationwide day of action on October 27th 2012, seven years after the fire at detention and deportation center Schiphol, that cost the lives of eleven people. Several groups in the country organize a demonstration or another action to be announced at a […]
Police Brutality in a detention center in Bulgaria
On the 16th of October, eight Syrian asylum-seekers were brutally beaten by the police in the detention center for foreigners in the city of Lyubimets, close to the Bulgarian-Turkish border. The same day, one of the detainees attempted to talk to the guards in the prison in order to receive information about his request to […]

“Arabs hate black people”
By Jannie Schipper (Photo: Dirk Jan Visser) African migrants in Morocco feel victimised by the locals, and Moroccans in their turn are sometimes scared of the newcomers. The lack of understanding between the two groups is deep, as RNW’s Jannie Schipper discovered on a visit to the forested area near the border with Spain. „They […]

Brussels officials are threatening to hit Britain with millions of pounds in fines in retaliation for pulling out of pan-European justice and crime policies. The European Commission has warned of ‘direct financial consequences’ if the UK withdraws from controversial measures such as the European Arrest Warrant. The warning was met with dismay last night by […]
NL: Police should have more powers to hack into computers: minister
The police should be given greater powers to hack into private computers in their efforts to combat cyber crime, according to a concept briefing for parliament by justice minister Ivo Opstelten. In the briefing, obtained by website nu.nl, Opstelten writes that computer-based crime is increasing and that ‚the expertise, capacity and experience within the criminal […]