[AUS] Facebook asked to close undercover cop page

Victoria Police has complained to Facebook, saying a page dedicated to exposing the state’s undercover police cars is putting officers and operations at risk.

The page has more than 12,500 followers and has dozens of photos and comments revealing the number-plates of unmarked police cars.

A News Limited report says Facebook has refused a police request to remove the page, saying it cannot stop people taking photos in public places.

Victoria Police says it takes the safety of its members seriously and is monitoring activity on the page. Continue reading „[AUS] Facebook asked to close undercover cop page“

The VOICE und Plataforma Berlin – Racist Police Brutality Hinders Democracy in Germany

The police once again showed it’s real face, as the defender of totalitarian regimes rather than what they are constantly claimed to be, namely the “protector of the people”.

The VOICE BERLIN and Plataforma Berlin protests the violent treatment of its activists and the activists of the Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants as well as activists from the protest tent.

On Monday the 15th of Oct. 30 activists for the rights of refugees and migrants were brutally arrested after legitimately protesting against the Nigerian embassy in Berlin. The Embassy holds an agreement with the German government, enabling easier and swifter deportations and denying refugees their rights of asylum. The protest actions at the Nigerian Embassy aimed particularly at the so-called embassy hearings, where group hearings of refugees take place forcefully, in order to determine their supposed home countries so that they can be deported there. Continue reading „The VOICE und Plataforma Berlin – Racist Police Brutality Hinders Democracy in Germany“

Überflieger im Einsatz

Sachsens Polizei setzt auf Überwachungsdrohnen

Von Jennifer Stange und Peer Vorderwülbecke

Mehrere Bundesländer verfügen mittlerweile über Polizeidrohnen. In Sachsen sollen sie ohne rechtliche Grundlage bei Demonstrationen und Fußballspielen eingesetzt worden sein. Das ruft Datenschützer auf den Plan. Sie kritisieren die umfassende Videoüberwachung.

Clara Bünger: „Am 19. Februar war ich in der Nähe vom Hauptbahnhof in Dresden demonstrieren, weil die Nazis sich am Hauptbahnhof versammelt haben und wir uns gegen Nachmittag auch zu einer Kundgebung dort versammelt haben. Während der Versammlung hat mich eine Person angetippt und gefragt: ‚Ey was ist denn dort oben in der Luft?‘ Dann hab ich nach oben geguckt, wie viele andere auch zu dem Zeitpunkt und hab dort oben was fliegen sehen und hab mich gefragt, was das denn sei.“ (weiter auf dradio.de)

Poland: Mass hunger strike at Immigration Detention Centres

73 people detained at Immigration Detentions Centres in Bialystok, Biala Podlaska, Przemysl and Leszowola decided on beginning a hunger strike together. It is not the first protest of detained refugees, but for the first time information about a strike reaches the public. In the past, strikers had been put in isolation and punished in various ways, while the public knew nothing about it.

Detainees’ demands include: right to information in a language they comprehend, right to contact the outside world, right to proper healthcare, education for underage detainees, respect for children’s rights, improvement in social conditions within detention centres, end to abuse and to excessive violence, end to criminalizing detainees.

Refugees decided to strike together, in all Polish Detention Centres, wishing that their voice will not be ignored nor quenched by the centres’ authorities. Continue reading „Poland: Mass hunger strike at Immigration Detention Centres“

NL: Call out and announcement of a day of action at detention and deportation centers

The No Border Network, founded in the Netherlands in June, calls for a nationwide day of action on October 27th 2012, seven years after the fire at detention and deportation center Schiphol, that cost the lives of eleven people.

Several groups in the country organize a demonstration or another action to be announced at a detention or deportation center in their region. There will also be a demonstration at the freedom restricting center in Ter Apel and more announcements are to be expected.

October 26th 2005:
shortly before midnight fire broke out in the cell complex at Schiphol. The complex turned out to be a fire hazard, the communication poor, the fire brigade was standing in front of the wrong gate, guards could not get doors open and the military police rushed the refugees that were let out of their cells into a cage, at gunpoint. Eleven people suffocated and burned in cells that had not been opened. Continue reading „NL: Call out and announcement of a day of action at detention and deportation centers“

Police Brutality in a detention center in Bulgaria

On the 16th of October, eight Syrian asylum-seekers were brutally beaten by the police in the detention center for foreigners in the city of Lyubimets, close to the Bulgarian-Turkish border. The same day, one of the detainees attempted to talk to the guards in the prison in order to receive information about his request to be sent back to Turkey. The prison guards responded with violence.

After his fellow detainees tried to stop the conflict, they were immediately subjected to a brutal beating. All together, eight people were brutally beaten by the police with batons. Each one of them was beaten by three police men. After the police attack, the asylum-seekers were placed in solitary confinement in the prison, where they remain to this day. There is no information about their health condition, as nobody is allowed to speak with them. The only information known is that one of the victims has a broken arm.

Demands of those detained: Continue reading „Police Brutality in a detention center in Bulgaria“

“Arabs hate black people”

By Jannie Schipper (Photo: Dirk Jan Visser)

African migrants in Morocco feel victimised by the locals, and Moroccans in their turn are sometimes scared of the newcomers. The lack of understanding between the two groups is deep, as RNW’s Jannie Schipper discovered on a visit to the forested area near the border with Spain.

„They might eat you“
Six young men are sitting along the side of the road from Fnideq to Ksar Sghir in northern Morocco, their hands held out in a begging gesture. “Be careful, those blacks might eat you”, a Moroccan juice seller in the little border town of Fnideq warned us. They might what? “Yes, really“, he replies. “They can do anything.” Taxi drivers waiting for customers at the dusty square are just as unenthusiastic about visiting those Africans camping out in the forest. “Don’t go there, it is dangerous.”

“Arabs hate black people. And that is not from today. It is in their blood“, says Aboubakr, a young man from Senegal who is hoping eventually to cross over into Europe. Continue reading „“Arabs hate black people”“

Mehr Geld oder mehr Migranten?

Weißrusslands Präsident Lukaschenko droht der EU, „Horden“ von Migranten könnten deren Außengrenzen überrennen

Weißrusslands Präsident droht den EU-Mitgliedstaaten, seine westliche Grenze zukünftig durchlässiger zu machen und Migranten ungeachtet ihrer Papiere durchreisen zu lassen. Damit will Alexander Lukaschenko die EU zwingen, Sanktionen gegen das Land zurückzunehmen. Diese waren vom Rat der Außenminister erst am Montag für ein Jahr erneuert worden. 243 Politiker der amtierenden Regierung dürfen weiterhin nicht in die EU einreisen.

Die EU setzt das Land mit den Sanktionen auch wegen der kürzlichen Parlamentswahl unter Druck. Nach Meinung von Wahlbeobachtern entsprach diese nicht internationalen Standards. Laut der Hohen Vertreterin der EU für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Catherine Ashton seien sogar weitere Verschärfungen möglich. Ashton ist auch Vizepräsidentin der EU-Kommission.

Lukaschenko ätzte daraufhin in einer Pressekonferenz, das Land gebe zu viel Geld für die Migrationsabwehr zugunsten der EU aus. Sofern die EU sich nicht auf seine Bedingungen einließe, würden „Horden“ von Migranten die polnische und litauische Grenze überrennen. (weiter auf heise.de)


Brussels officials are threatening to hit Britain with millions of pounds in fines in retaliation for pulling out of pan-European justice and crime policies.

The European Commission has warned of ‘direct financial consequences’ if the UK withdraws from controversial measures such as the European Arrest Warrant.

The warning was met with dismay last night by Tory backbenchers who accused Brussels of trying to ‘blackmail’ the UK.

Details of the threat emerged yesterday after Theresa May confirmed in the House of Commons that the Government is set to take back around 130 powers over British crime and justice which have been handed to Europe, including the controversial European Arrest Warrant: Continue reading „ALL 135 POWERS THE UK WANTS BRUSSELS TO RETURN“

NL: Police should have more powers to hack into computers: minister

The police should be given greater powers to hack into private computers in their efforts to combat cyber crime, according to a concept briefing for parliament by justice minister Ivo Opstelten.

In the briefing, obtained by website nu.nl, Opstelten writes that computer-based crime is increasing and that ‚the expertise, capacity and experience within the criminal justice system has not improved accordingly‘.

In addition, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find out where digital information is being stored because of the rise of cloud computing, mobile phones and tablets, he said.

Opstelten wants to give police the right to hack into computers to install software which can be used, for example, to unscramble information. He also says it should be possible for the police to break into computers to wipe information or make it inaccessible. (more on dutchnews.nl)

Refugee March Berlin: Redebeitrag von Boats for People zum EU-Migrationsregime

Spätestens mit Tausenden Toten auf dem Mittelmeer ist klar, wie die Europäische Union zur Abwehr unerwünschter Migration bis zum Äußersten geht: Ihre Grenzschutzagentur FRONTEX will Flüchtlinge schon weit außerhalb der EU-Mitgliedstaaten abfangen.

Jetzt wird das Mittelmeer weiter militarisiert: Im Grenzüberwachungssystem EUROSUR gehen EU-Mitgliedstaaten mit Drohnen, Radaranlagen und Satelliten auf die Jagd nach auffälligen Booten. Als Zentrale fungiert das FRONTEX-Hauptquartier in Warschau. Auch Tunesien, Marokko und Libyen sollen in EUROSUR integriert werden.

Danach sollen auch die Landgrenzen der EU gründlich ausgespäht werden. Hierfür müssen neue Beitrittsländer Milliarden für Wärmebildkameras, Röntgengeräte, Patrouillenboote und Helikopter ausgeben. Es profitiert die europäische Rüstungsindustrie. Continue reading „Refugee March Berlin: Redebeitrag von Boats for People zum EU-Migrationsregime“

Was kommt nach INDECT? Ein Plädoyer für eine fundiertere Überwachungskritik

Matthias Monroy

Die kürzlich auf netzpolitik.org veröffentlichten Beiträge von Ben Hayes und Alexander Sander diskutieren, wie dem von der Europäischen Union angeheizten Überwachungswahn Einhalt geboten werden kann. Alexander Sander kritisiert, dass Kampagnen gegen das EU-Sicherheitsforschungsprojekt INDECT andere Vorhaben ungeschoren davonkommen lassen: Für durchaus problematischere Projekte stünden sogar weit mehr Gelder zur Verfügung. Er schlägt vor, statt der reflexhaften Kritik an einzelnen Programmen lieber das neue Sicherheitsforschungsprogramm der EU aufs Korn zu nehmen, das derzeit unter dem Namen “Horizon 2020″ rund 3,8 Milliarden Euro für neue Forschungen locker machen soll.

Ben Hayes unterstreicht den Fokus auf “Horizon 2020″ und bittet um mehr Genauigkeit in der Kritik von Projekten wie “Clean IT”. Eine dortige Beschäftigung mit dem Einsatz von Filtertechnologien im Internet wird zwar von der EU finanziert. Die mediale Aufmerksamkeit wird laut Ben Hayes aber der Bedeutungslosigkeit von “Clean IT” kaum gerecht. Er weist auch darauf hin, wie die Berichterstattung über das Freihandelsabkommen ACTA oder INDECT von Übertreibungen oder Falschinformationen geprägt ist: So wurde ventiliert, die automatisierte Auswertung von Bildern aus Überwachungskameras von INDECT würde bei der EURO 2012 getestet – obschon die EU-Kommission dies längst dementiert hatte. Continue reading „Was kommt nach INDECT? Ein Plädoyer für eine fundiertere Überwachungskritik“

Angstmaschine gegen Demonstranten

Gut gelaunt blickte Niedersachsens Innenminister Uwe Schünemann (CDU) am Montag in Hannover einem rollenden blauen Ungetüm entgegen: dem Wasserwerfer „WaWe 10 000“, neueste Errungenschaft für die Bereitschaftspolizei des Landes.

Offensichtlich freute sich der Ressortchef, schien stolz zu sein, Journalisten die fast 1 Million Euro teure Maschine vorstellen zu können, mit der sich unbotmäßige Demonstranten effektiv von der Straße spritzen lassen. Und nicht nur das: Durch sein monströses Erscheinungsbild soll der Werfer schon vor dem Einsatz der Wasserkanonen verjagen, soll Distanz schaffen, wie es ein Polizeibeamter sinngemäß vor der Fernsehkamera erläuerte.

In den Tank des Demonstranten-Verscheuchers, der bis zu 110 km/h schnell fahren kann, passen 10 000 Liter Wasser. Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Anti-Castor-Aktionen im November 2011 kennen das Monstrum bereits. Seinerzeit hatte sich Niedersachsen den WaWe 10 000 aus einem anderen Bundesland ausgeliehen. Continue reading „Angstmaschine gegen Demonstranten“

Tunisia calls for migrant crisis task force

Marzouki’s comments underlined the pressing desire of the newly established governments in countries like Libya and Tunisia for support from the European Union as well as worries in Europe about the potential spread of instability.

The killing of U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens in Libya and the sacking of the U.S. Embassy in Tunis last month in protests over an anti-Islamic video provided a sharp reminder of how fragile the situation remains in the region.


The first meeting of leaders from the so-called 5×5 group of countries since the „Arab spring“ revolutions, produced few concrete decisions and was billed mainly as a forum for dialogue between countries in the western Mediterranean.

Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia form an informal smaller group of countries alongside the 43-member Union for the Mediterranean launched by former French President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008. Continue reading „Tunisia calls for migrant crisis task force“



To go together to protest in front of the town hall and the sous-préfecture

After the evictions of Roma camps which have restarted this summer, the evictions of migrants have also restarted, with their cortege of violence: destruction of personal possessions, harassment of people day and night to stop them sleeping, arrests and deportations.

We condemn this violence and demand that the state and the town hall of Calais renounce these politics. Continue reading „AGAINST POLICE HARASSMENT OF MIGRANTS IN CALAIS“

“xenios zeus” pogrom continues in athens

This video was made by the police for the purpose of their propaganda. Unfortunately the police was not brave enough to show us also the sound! Easy to guess why…

Yesterday, October 5, the police invaded again the centre of Athens during “Xenios Zeus” operation. 1.537 persons were temporarily arrested and transferred for further controls to police stations. 339 of the were finally arrested and detained because they were lacking valid residence permits. 11 house searches were conducted. The police held the operation in the area from Syndagma up to Patissia.

press release of the greek police October 6 (in greek) Continue reading „“xenios zeus” pogrom continues in athens“

Rise of drones in UK airspace prompts civil liberties warning

A European commission report predicts hundreds of civil uses for unmanned aircraft in the next decade

Drones will be commonplace in the skies above the UK within a decade, according to a European commission document suggesting that hundreds of firms will develop new uses for them.
But the claims have prompted concerns from civil liberties groups, who fear that the unmanned aircraft will result in more forms of surveillance. Some 95% of drones in operation are used by the military, but the document notes they now also have „great potential for civil applications“.

The commission’s working paper, Towards a European Strategy for the Development of Civil Applications of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, claims there are some 400 civilian drone applications in development across the EU. This number is expected to rise in the next decade. (more on guardian.co.uk)

Frontex Situational update: Migratory situation at the Greek-Turkish border

The numbers of migrants crossing the Greek-Turkish land border dropped from over 2000 a week in the first week of August to little over 200 in the second week. This is the direct effect of increased surveillance and patrolling activities by the Greek authorities, which included the deployment of an additional 1800 officers along the Evros river at the beginning of August.

In September, detections dropped even further from around 70 a week at the beginning of the month to below 30 in the second half. As crossing the border in the Evros region has become more difficult, the number of nationalities attempting to cross has also dropped, from over 60 to fewer than ten with the majority of migrants now coming from Iraq, Syria and Eritrea. As expected, some displacement effect has already taken place along the South Eastern border, with increasing numbers of migrants arriving mainly in the Greek Aegean Islands of Samos, Symi, Lesvos and Farmaconisi, as well as in Bulgaria. At the sea border with Turkey, weekly detection rates grew from around six in July to approximately 180 in August and September. In response to the growing migratory pressure in the Eastern Aegean Frontex has strengthen Joint Operation (JO) Poseidon Sea with additional air and maritime surveillance assets. Continue reading „Frontex Situational update: Migratory situation at the Greek-Turkish border“

Mit „iCOP“ auf Streife im Internet

Matthias Monroy

Deutsche Polizeibehörden sind an Forschungsprojekten beteiligt, um beim Aufspüren unerwünschter Inhalte im Internet zu helfen. Auch ein Fraunhofer-Institut ist an Bord

Das Landeskriminalamt (LKA) Nordrhein-Westfalen testet eine Filtersoftware, die Bilder und Filme in Tauschbörsen auf kinderpornografische Inhalte untersucht. Die Anwendung wird im von der EU geförderten Projekt Identifying and Catching Originators in P2P Networks entwickelt, für das sich die Beteiligten die Abkürzung „iCOP“ ausgedacht haben. Per Mustererkennung sollen bereits existierende „P2P monitoring tools“ in die Lage versetzt werden, kinderpornografisches Material etwa von Darstellungen Erwachsener zu unterscheiden.

„iCOP“ ist ein Projekt des deutschen Fraunhofer-Instituts „Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH“ (DFKI) und der vier Universitäten Lancaster (Großbritannien), Leuven (Belgien) und Cork (Irland). Ziel ist die Bereitstellung einer technischen Lösung, die Inhalte des Internet in die Kategorien „harmlos“, „anstößig“ und „Kindesmissbrauch“ einstufen kann.
Damit wollen Polizeibehörden in der Lage sein, über das Tauschverhalten verdächtige User herauszufiltern. (weiter auf heise.de)

Senate panel criticizes anti-terror data-sharing centers

The scores of ‚fusion centers‘ across the country threaten civil liberties while doing little to counter terrorism, a two-year study by a Senate subcommittee finds.

By Ken Dilanian and Brian Bennett

A federal domestic security effort to help state and local law enforcement catch terrorists by setting up more than 70 information-sharing centers around the country has threatened civil liberties while doing little to combat terrorism, a two-year examination by a Senate subcommittee found.

The so-called fusion centers were created in 2003 after the Sept. 11 commission concluded that federal, state and local law enforcement agencies needed to collaborate more in counter-terrorism efforts.

Funded by federal grants, the fusion centers were intended to share national intelligence with state and local law enforcement and to analyze potential terrorist activity detected by police. Homeland Security Department officials have credited the centers for helping uncover terrorist plans, including a 2009 plot to bomb the New York subway. (more on latimes.com)