Choucha camp, Tunisia/Libya border
14/07/2012 Around 3000 migrants and refugees who fled the war in Libya in 2011 are still living under inhuman conditions in the refugee camp at Choucha (Tunisia) near the Libyan border. Most come from Sub-Saharan Africa but there are also nationals of Bangladesh, Pakistan, Palestine and Iraq. Some in the camp have been accepted as […]
Boats 4 People: A delegation meets sole survivor of tragic incident that cost the lives of 55
Zarzis, 11th July 2012: A year and a few months after the „left-to-die boat“ case lead to international indignation, another dramatically similar incident reveals how, despite the changed geopolitical situation, migrants keep dying in the Mediterranean sea in appalling conditions. Last year, in March 2011, 63 people who had left Tripoli in the attempt to […]
Activists win right to appeal over undercover police operation
Fears over convictions after CPS inquiry finds lawyer may have withheld information Details of covert policing operations will be disclosed to defence lawyers in future, after Director of Public Prosecutions Keir Starmer signed a deal with police and invited 29 people convicted over the 2008 Drax Power Station protest to appeal their convictions. The move […]

Amnesty Group Denounces Greek Police Brutality
In a damning report, Amnesty International condemned what it said was repeated instances of regular police brutality against protesters, journalists, innocent bystanders, and beating and torture of immigrants. The group said police violence was more than isolated incidents and said the government has tolerated human rights violations and that police are operating with “persistent immunity,” […]

African charter: multi-destination mass deportation
In the last few weeks, NCADC has been contacted by many people with removal directions for DR Congo, Nigeria and Ghana on a charter flight on 5 July. This is a repeat of the recent ‚multi-destination‘ mass deportations, a shameful strategy by UKBA that causes panic and distress in communities, and hampers the ability of […]
G20 Death Trial: Tomlinson ‚Was Obstructive‘
The trial of PC Simon Harwood, accused of killing G20 protestor Ian Tomlinson, hears from the policeman and his defence team. The policeman accused of manslaughter at the G20 protest has told jurors the man he hit was deliberately obstructing him and his colleagues. PC Simon Harwood claimed he struck newspaper seller Ian Tomlinson with […]

L.A. Cops Embrace Crime-Predicting Algorithm
Burglary reports dropped after officers began taking patrol orders from computers. David Talbot A recent study suggests that computers could be better than seasoned police analysts at predicting when and where crime will strike next in a busy city. Software tested in Los Angeles was twice as good as human analysts at predicting where burglaries […]

Hands off the European Parliament!
We European citizens strongly protest against the arbitrary and unanimous (all the more deplorable) move of the EU Council to exclude the European Parliament from co-decision on possible suspensions of the Schengen Treaty, thus downgrading it to an observer role and trampling on its prerogatives. In this way the Council attempts to humiliate the institution […]

Big Data is Watching You
Predictive policing arrives in Charleston by Paul Bowers “They’re actually starting to look at data and trying to not just react to crime and where it’s happening, but actually take a lot of different types of information and predict in the future where that crime might occur … to be preventive instead of reactive.”” —Charleston […]
Refugee day and the agreement with Libya: let’s not repeat the mistakes of the past
ASGI [Associazione di Studi Giuridici sull’Immigrazione] expresses its deep concern and great bewilderment about the agreement/recorded document sealed between the Italian and Libyan governments in Tripoli on 3 April 2012, for the purpose of enacting cooperation between the two states to counter irregular migrations. ASGI recalls how any agreement or understanding, even between police forces, […]
Anonymous, Occupy London and European Anarchists in London 2012 Olympics Plot [VIDEO]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cm0qGT2TML8&feature=player_embedded#! By Nicholas Edmondson Fears are growing among police and security agencies that the London Olympics will be targeted by an alliance of European and British anarchist groups. London security and police are worried that violent anti austerity protests could disrupt the Olympic Games. Officials believe that anti-austerity protest groups will focus on disrupting the […]

COUNTER OLYMPICS NETWORK PRESS RELEASE – 24 June 2012 – for immediate release CRITICS OF LONDON OLYMPICS ANNOUNCE LARGE SCALE EVENT TO COINCIDE WITH FIRST SATURDAY OF GAMES The Counter Olympics Network (CON)[1] announces a march and rally in London’s East End on Saturday 28 July, assembling in Mile End Park (near Mile End tube […]
U.S. plans more drone flights over Caribbean
After quietly testing Predator drones over the Bahamas for more than 18 months, the Department of Homeland Security plans to expand the unmanned surveillance flights into the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to fight drug smuggling, according to U.S. officials. The move would dramatically increase U.S. drone flights in the Western Hemisphere, more than […]

Coordinating National Research Programmes and Policies on Major Events Security in Europe
The EU-SEC II Consortium establishes the European House of Major Events Security Download Final Report (pdf, 9,4GB) UNICRI Turin, 13th October 2011 After three years of activities, the project EU-SEC II, Coordinating National Research Programmes and Policies on Major Events Security in Europe, funded by the European Commission – DG Enterprise, is coming to an […]
Mark Kennedy hired as consultant by US security firm
Rob Evans and Paul Lewis A former police spy who infiltrated the environmental movement for seven years has been hired by a private security firm in the US to give advice on how to deal with political activists. Mark Kennedy has become a consultant to the Densus Group, providing „investigative services, risk and threat assessments“, […]

Another Tunisia is possible, in another Maghreb and in another World
Call to Global Preparatory Assembly towards 2013 WSF – Monastir (Tunisia), 12th to 17th July 2012 We invite you to join us in Monastir, from the 12th to the 17th of July, where we will launch together the process towards the World Social Forum 2013. At the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011, […]

Spain: Annual report on torture reveals large increase in cases of abuse against demonstrators
On 1 June 2011 in Seville, the Coordinadora para la Prevención y Denuncia de la Tortura (CPDT, a network that includes 44 associations) released its eighth annual „Report on torture in the Spanish state“, a comprehensive analysis of cases of torture enacted by police officers and public officials in different contexts that range from demonstrations […]

South African intel officials faked threats to increase spy budget
The tendency of some spy agencies to overstate security threats in order to secure governmental funds is hardly novel. But officials in the South African Secret Service appear to have gone a step further: they allegedly paid some of their informants to make bogus threats against the government, in order to prompt an increase in […]
Ex-police spy Mark Kennedy’s current business activities in the US
According to a recent post on Indymedia UK, Mark Kennedy, who was exposed as a police infiltrator of various movements in the UK and beyond in October 2010, is still actively seeking to operate as a private consultant. He appears to be based in the US, although this is not certain. Kennedy is advertising himself […]
Amnesty: Italy signs secret migrant deal with Libya
By Nikolaj Nielsen BRUSSELS – Italy has signed a new agreement with the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) to „curtail the flow of migrants,“ according to a report by Amnesty International. Details of the pact have not been made public. But the NGO in a report out on Wednesday (13 June) says it was signed […]